An introductory post: 15 facts about me

So, I've had this blog for a while now and I keep editing it in some way or another to make sure it's perfect. But I guess what I've really been doing is putting off writing my first post. I've pondered over what my first post should be about... I know I want my blog's niche to be somewhere down the route of beauty because I've developed such a passion for it -I just wasn't sure how to kick start it all off. So after timeless planning and thinking I've gone for the most obvious thing of all: 15 facts about me! Which you can't really go to wrong with.

So here is fact number one!
1. My name is Shannon or Shan (I mostly go by Shan). I am 16 years old and every time I turn off my bedroom light (or walk up the stairs) I run to bed panicking because it's the only place in the world where the monsters can't catch me.

2. I have a rabbit and his name is Alfie and he is the love of my life.

3. My favourite film of ALL time is Peter Pan. Not the cartoon version, but the one with Jeremy Sumpter. I've loved this film for as long as can remember and will never get bored of it, it's just the best film ever made and if you haven't seen it I STRONGLY recommend you do.

3. I have an... indescribable fear -no, phobia- of spiders (and all other insects for that matter). Even ladybirds and butterflies make me queasy if they get too close...

4. I am probably the most clumsiest person alive. I trip over absolutely nothing (much like those people in horror films). When I walk down the corridors at my school and someone accidentally nudges me I seem to end up bouncing off one side of the wall to the other dragging everyone else down with me and causing a huge line of people falling like dominoes -okay so that's slightly over exaggerated but you get the general picture.

5. Talking about school, I am coming up to my GCSEs and planning on doing A-levels in Psychology, Sociology, Biology and History after I have finished my academic year.

6. When I was younger I watched this film about a girl who grew up with an imaginary friend called Fred. Afterwards I decided I really wanted an imaginary friend too, so I pretended to have one and convinced my friends and family I did. He just happened to be called Fred as well and resembled very similar characteristics (and clothing) as Will Ferrell in the film Elf. Only now do I realise that pretending to have an imaginary friend, is kinda what the point of having one is...

7. Whenever I go on holiday one of my favourite things to do is to swim in the sea, I absolutely love the sea, however I spend most the time freaking out over what touched my foot... I hate seaweed, I hate fish and I hate crabs. But I love the sea.

8. I absolutely hate peppers because in primary school my teacher was teaching my class about healthy eating and said that peppers are absolutely hideous but we have to eat them to stay healthy. It freaked me out and I've convinced myself they are the devil's food ever since. Whether I actually like them or not I will never know.

9. However my favourite foods are just about anything else... As a typical teenager I love chocolate, chips, cheeseburgers, tacos, etc etc, but I also love to eat salad and fruit and could easily live on just salad. But vegetables are a  no-go. No way. Just ew.

10. I have this thing, (which I actually thought everybody else had until the other day) where if I have a hot drink -tea, coffee, hot chocolate- I have to, have to leave the tiniest bit in the bottom of the cup. I don't know why I do it, and I thought everybody did it too. Apparently it's just me...

11. I am absolutely in love with New York, Paris and London. Since I was a child these places always intrigued me, I used to take French at school and I'd plan the day I'd finally move to one of these places. So far, the only one of these places I've visited is Paris but in the future I plan on living in both New York and London at least for a short while.

12. I can "lucid dream" which is basically a dream that you realise you're having and can then control what happens in it. It makes life very confusing for me because everything is so realistic I can never tell what I've dreamed and not dreamed.

13. When a song becomes my my favourite song I download almost every song that, that band/singer has ever sang and listen to a whole playlist on repeat until I hate the singer not the song. This way it takes longer for the song to become "too listened to".

14. This is a weird one but if I'm awake for too long, like when it gets to around two in the morning I start to feel really, really ill. I've even been sick at sleepovers before because we stayed up too late.

15. Finally, I conclude with the fact that I am such a big dreamer, I believe in the impossible and people often say to me that I 'live in the movie world' or I'm 'off in the cloud's. Hence the name "floating in the clouds" which seemed so fitting for me.

That concludes my first ever post, thank you for reading, now that the ice is broken I'm sure I'll be back very soon with another post.

Love shannon xoxo


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