A weekend in Sheffield with Rationale
Since my new kinda 'blog relaunch', I was having a ganders through my old posts just to clean up my dashboard and delete any drafts that were lying about, when I came across this one. This was a post I'd half written and never finished or added the photos to, so it got drowned out along with my other posts and forgotten about. On the one hand there really isn't much point to posting this after so much time, but it really was such a good weekend, and Rationale has recently released a new song so hopefully a few new UK shows are coming soon after his London one off show has just sold out. He's an incredible up and coming artist and I'd love to spread the word around about him because I genuinely, genuinely, think he's great. His style is an odd one, he uses (I think I would describe it as) techno beats, catchy rhythms etc. But has such a soulful, meaningful voice which makes his songs so good! His stage presence is also absolutely insane. We were first int