Flashback to the 1940s

I haven't posted anything for a while, I've been really busy at the moment but at the same time I've not been doing anything that really makes me busy... Do you know what I mean

Anyway, I was watching The Notebook a few days ago and I love that it was set in the 1940s, I'm completely in love with that era there's something about it that's just so... perfect. The women of that time were so classy and their clothes were so pretty and feminine and I loved the way they did their hair and makeup. Even the way of life back then, it seemed so simple and happy, and relationships were so different then too, people were a lot more passionate than they are now. I'd love to have been born into the era that allowed me to experience the 1940s just to see what it was really like...
So out of wishing to be one the pin up girls from the 40s, I decided to play around and try and create a vintage 1940s look, it's in no means perfect, and the hair was quite difficult as it was a first try of anything I've ever done before but aside from that it was really fun to do and I quite like it. Oh and another word of warning, I know how awfully un-photogenic I am and today in-particular was one of those I'm-not-gong-to-let-you-take-a-good-picture day so as you can imagine, it took me about 3000 snaps before I finally got a picture that didn't quite make me want to throw up...
I also took these photos in my prom dress, and I wish I knew why.
These are all the products I used to create my hair, obviously my hair didn't go as great as it could have and I think that's because I didn't use a proper curling tongue I used a curling wand Aside from that I used hairspray (mines VO5 but any will do), a heat protection spray (mines L'OREAL), a bristle barrel brush to brush the curls out, a comb to slightly tease the hair, and then grips to pin my curls up. To do the '1940s hairstyle' google has lots of tutorials for the 'pin up curls' which yes, I used.
The makeup products I used are above, I would have used a foundation normally but right now I'm having to keep as bare a face as possible because I've had a reaction to something and my face is quite sensitive. However I did use;
For my face
Soap&Glory's kick ass concealer- under my eyes and on blemishes
MAC's setting powder- to 'mattify' my face a bit

For my lips
MAC's lip liner pencil- in red to line my lips
A red lipstick- I have absolutely no idea what brand this is from it doesn't say and I've had it for years...

For my eyes
Rimmel's scandal eyes mascara- only on the top lashes
Soap&Glory's supercat eyeliner- a very thin line with a slight flick at the end for a small cat eye
Naked basics palette- the shade 'walk of shame' all over lid with no crease colour, to create a subtle almost invisible eye look.
Soap&Glory's arch de triumphe- used on my eyebrows to make them a little thicker and a stronger shape, the champagne highlighter was only applied in small amounts, not to make my eyebrows standout too much.

 A close up of my eye so you can see how thin the eyeliner needs to be, my eyebrow doesn't look this thick in person either... 

Okay so, I had a lot of fun doing this even though it doesn't look perfect and the pictures didn't quite grasp the look as I hoped it would do. I'm going to post as often as I can but I'm doing a lot of revision at the minute for my GCSEs so my blog may become a bit.. staggered but I'll try my best!
Bye for now, Shannon xoxo


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