Five Years Old...
As part of my backlogged posts, my brother's birthday party finally has it's time to shine on my blog. I cannot get my mind to comprehend the fact he is 5, when people say 'they grow so fast' they really mean it. And it's such a cliche thing to say that I remember going to hospital for the first time and holding this fragile little body in my arms wrapped up in this soft blue blanket that still remains his favourite to this day. He's an independent little boy now and the past 5 years of my life don't even seem to have existed as time has simply whizzed by.
I didn't get to take many photos of the party as most were Polaroids but he spent his birthday in your typical soft play area with a class full of best friends, and when I snuck in for a cheeky play I was greeted by lots of 'you won't fit through there' 'you're too big for this' and 'you're not allowed in here' gotta love kids and their honesty...
Shan x
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