Taking Control Of My Life

I've been a bit absent this week, it's been a tiring week at college. I wanted to get my 'currently listening to' post up but on Monday I was bombarded with responsibilities (probably not responsibilities to anyone else, I was very new to it. And I think I'm going to make it a follow up post to this one) So, my future is a very scary topic for me, I want to be someone extraordinary, I don't want a dead end job, I want people to know who I am, I want to have so much pride in what I do so that when future friends/boyfriends ask what I do they can think wow, she knows who she is and what she wants. Right now, that person definitely isn't me. If I'm completely honest, my life is a mess I have no control over anything in my life, I don't even have my own life. My life is my mum's life, I've never done anything without her (doctors, shops, leaving the house) it's not that she's overprotective it's that I'm physically unable to lea...