A Little Something Of A Catch Up

I've been quite a bit absent this past week/getting on for two weeks, I didn't even realise as time seems to have escaped me. I was confused as to why we were doing our weekly shop yesterday as I thought it was Monday and had done our weekly shop just a few days ago. It's currently half term (a week off of college/school) which explains my lack of knowing the days of the week. But a whole week? How did I not notice a week passing? That's why I haven't posted... So as a bit of a catch up, I'm uploading a few random odd bits of photos I've taken and I'm going to have a bit of a chat about each one. This week off of college was supposed to be a week of hard work, college ends in just three weeks now and I need to finish off bits of work and make sure I'm up to scratch, but as the days have literally disappeared I'm left with last minute rushing -which was bound to happen really because I'm incapable of planning anything and doing things within reasonable time..

My best friend stayed mine for three days (which is probably where I lost count of the week) and we barely left my room, we fangirled and watched live shows of All Time Low and read fanfiction and screamed a lot because we were being ravenously attacked by a spider at 11 o'clock at night...

I took a very Tumblr-ery photo (as Tumblr as I can manage) climbing on top of skate ramps, where I actually wrecked my docs by 'friction-burning' the rubber off the heel when I slid down the ramp. As well as pulling every muscle in my body, I woke up the next day aching like hell! I also tried squats yesterday and I'm aching from them today.. I actually love the feel of having achy muscles because it makes me feel stronger (even though they're aching because I'm weak.) I'm also proud of the amount of weight I've been losing! I was getting dressed yesterday and I looked in the mirror before I'd put my shirt on. So I was standing in my room with leggings on and a sports bra.. And I looked almost acceptable. Like I could have left the house like that and I'd have looked like a sporty person (from afar).. not like a whale. I'm quite proud of myself, I'm almost where I want to be now!
Oh and when I tried to get on the ramp one time I hit my knee on the metal bar you can see on the photo and I have a really nasty bruise it's blue and purple and green and it hurts! Even bending my knee to sit down hurts..

When my mum was pregnant with me, she met someone else who was pregnant at the same time at a car show my dad used to go to. My mum became friends with her, my dad became friends with her husband because they both liked car shows, and me and her son became friends when we were and we've known each other our whole lives (but we aren't actually overly close as there was a huge chunk of my life where we moved away and stopped seeing them) but she then had another kid when my mum had my brother so now there's me and her son who are the same age and my brother and her daughter who are the same age and we're all friends and I think it's one of the coolest situations ever! How all of us are friends like they're a mirror image family to us. 
This photo was taken at a park where my mum's friend's daughter was burying my feet in sand with my brother. It was a really good day. There was this tire swing (we call it a tire swing -it's a rubber circle with a platform in the middle for people to sit on. There's four chains connecting together at the top and it spins and swings in circles. (it's the best thing ever)) my friend was pushing me on it until we realised the swing was actually broke. Where it's supposed to hang on by four hooks, it was now hanging by one.. when I'm swinging around in the air at a reasonable height this naturally becomes a scary situation. And with my friend being a typical teenage boy who likes to wind girls up.. I don't need to say what he carried on doing... But I can say it didn't break with me on it and I didn't fall. Although I did trip on my over to it and I still had bark and leaves stuck in my hair when we finally got home.. It was a fun day.

I went up town again yesterday, I didn't take many photos apart from this one in the pet shop. These guinea pigs were so so tiny! I went in to pick up some rabbit food for Alfie, then we went hairdressers and got my brothers hair cut. And we picked him up some trainers for a party he's going to soon. He gets invited to so many parties it's unreal! But that's pretty much it for that day.. I ate loads yesterday and I still feel sick from it haha.

I took this a few days ago (clearly because the 29th isn't crossed off yet.) My ROWYSO concert (5SOS) date is officially in 8 days!!!! I'm so excited I've been waiting 9 months for this and it's finally coming around. I bought my outfit last week and I'm going to do a post on my outfit/hair/makeup for the concert when I've got my hair done -I'm dying it lilac (YES!) I'm aiming for a cute Tumblr look but let's be real I'm most likely going to look a mess. I've also decided I'm going to vlog the day. I feel like I let a lot of my personality out on my blog but sometimes when I read my posts back I feel like I can be perceived in a completely different way. Vlogging is something I've always wanted to do since I discovered youtubers years ago. So I'm biting the bullet and going for it! It gives people the chance to see my real personality and hopefully perceive my blog the way I'm writing it a bit more. And with it being a concert it seems like the best way to get into it, and because we're actually spending the weekend in Birmingham, at a hotel, we're going Nandos, we're exploring a little bit (hopefully, praying) we get to go to an acoustic show.. It's going to be a good weekend so even if you don't like 5sos, or "concert" vlogs, it's still going to be a good time and I'm so excited! SOOOOO excited! (I warn now also, I'm going to be very hyperactive and bubbly and if I'm quite honest me and friend (who I'm going with) we get get quite sassy -in a joking way, and I want to say now, we're not being offensive we just get cray!) 

As well as YouTube, I'm also thinking of writing, a lot of youtubers are writing books at the minute, and I've been writing m own books since being a little girl. So I was thinking of doing it again and writing some stuff on Wattpad. My friend tells me to go for it but I'm a little bit apprehensive about putting myself out there, but I'm reaching a point in my life where I need to put myself out there a bit more. I need to start doing things I want to do, and I want to write and I want people to read my stuff.. I don't know, it's just a thought at the minute, but it's also very possible.

Another thing, anyone who's read a few of my posts will know how much I'm struggling with what to do with my future, it's the end of the (academic) year and I should have applied for whatever I want to do next year but I still haven't! I didn't know if I still wanted college or whether to wait for future years when I knew what I wanted to do in college.. But I've decided to stick with the course I'm doing, complete it, go as far as I can. and then even if I don't want to do it, I know I've had fun doing it and I know I've completed something. And no matter what I do, a full, full qualification in something is going to look good on application forms. Then when college ends, if I still don't know what I want to do, then I'm going to do what I know I want to do with my life. My main life ambitions are to travel, write a book, run a blog, and have a YouTube channel. I've knocked off one of those and I'm about to knock off a second. So when I finish college I'd like to just travel, live my life a little, be cliche and "find myself" and then settle down and figure it out from there. 
So for now, I think I've figured out my future. Halle-fricken-lujah! 

This was a long and chatty post, but we're all caught up! Tomorrow I have another country side walk type post going up so I'm not leaving again. 
I'm also thinking of writing about my college course. Once I've finished I'm going to do a post on how college was and a "goodbye to first year" type of post.. But I'm also thinking of writing a post about what my course was about, so that anyone who stumbled across my blog who was thinking about doing a course in Beauty Therapy would know a bit about it from an "insider kind of view" Yeah I'm going to do that..

Shaan x


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