A Broken Charger

I've been having literally the most perfect summer so far, it's been ridiculously hot, I haven't burnt all that much, I've been doing so much stuff I haven't had time for myself to have a "me" day. Today was supposed to be my "me" day, my chill out do nothing day, lie in, watch movies, eat food etc. But I was so fidgety I wanted to go out and do stuff. In the end my friend may or may not be coming round mine tonight...
I'm straying very far from the topic, I was having a really good day and it came to the point I was ready to do a blog post. I sat on my bed, prepared myself, got my music playlist and earphones ready.. and whey. My laptop charger is broken.
Last night before I went to bed I moved my charger and it sparked and pretty much caught fire..
Today it doesn't work.
I've downloaded the blogger app from my appstore on my phone but I don't have a clue what I'm doing or how to use it. And until I get a new charger I can't do the posts I want to do. I can make simple chatty little things like this but that's about it. So basically posts will be limited and not up to standard for a while. I don't want to completely disappear I have to do 'currently listening to' tomorrow etc.
But that's about it, I can't really do much with a dead laptop... So until I'm sorted I may be a bit vacant. Which is a huuuuuge pain because I've got some really good ideas on posts and I can't do them now.

That's all I wanted to say, just to give a quick little update and an explanation of my situation, I'm hoping it won't be too long until I get a new charger and I guess I could find myself up the library at some point (not the local one because it takes three hours for one touch of the keyboard to be recognised on the computer) until then I'm sorry for awkward typos because I'm awful with them! I type so fast and merge all my letters together, I'm bound to have a few of them on here.

Shaan x


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