Red Wine And White Duvets

Yesterday was a bit of an odd post really, it seemed very downhearted which is what I was semi going for, but then realised it just turned into a pretty depressing post.. But hey, that's what teenage years are about aren't they?
Today is another utterly unprepared, just thought of post. And also an kind of sequel to yesterdays post. I'm just feeling happy and inspired and my fingers are bubbly and tingly and I just need to blurt out some utter rubbish that is currently in my brain and smile about it.
Today's post is my 'I'm excited to leave behind my teens and become an adult' which is actually bullsh*t as I'm 17 and definitely not ready to not be a teenager. But I've got the (I don't think there's a term for it) grown up -opposite of- jitters. That makes no sense. I'm just excited to be more mature.
I've found that I no longer want to be childish, I want coffee dates with friends where we talk about life, and I want girly evenings in with red wine and white duvets -which might not be the best combination because let's be real. Clumsy Shannon will drop the red wine on the white duvets. But I want nights out with friends and 4am drives, I want lots of dates with people I may or may not want to see again, I want shopping trips in heels and jeans because I'm old enough to not look childish in them. I want to meet new people and go to sushi bars and have 'after work' drinks, and speak about whether we're ready for children, or ready to be tied down.
And then I want to be tied down. And I want to want to have kids and start a family. And I want to paint my child's room with a round belly. And be married in that perfect white dress. And then we'll take our child to playgroups and make mummy friends where we'll meet at parks and talk about Kim Kardashian's new child and how our lives are so different now with children..
I'm excited to live my life and be free.

Here's to a new start in life and a new perspective.

Shaan x


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