Currently Listening To...

It's Currently Listening To day, it's Currently Listening To day, it's Currently Listening To day!!!
I'm very excited to talk about my new fave current songs. I don't have a variety of artists, but I have a loooot of songs which are going to have to be condensed so this post won't be three years long. And also because I only have three hours to write it out.
I'm having a good day! Which is kind of rare at the minute, but I feel so good today. I've got so much done, I've listened and danced and sang to so much Bastille, I've eaten way too much popcorn and now feeling sluggish, but still smiling away. That is all that matters.

Nothing Left To Say/Rocks - Imagine Dragons, this song. It's so damn good. It has an organ sound at the start, acoustic sounds, electric, electric alongside violins, powerful drums, a cello, and amazing bass line. It's everything. And it's been on repeat constantly. Imagine Dragons do this thing where they write songs with really morbid, sad, deep lyrics, but pair them with a cheery, catchy tune. So your dancing wildly, but singing with tears falling out of your eyes... This song is about losing hope and giving up because there's just nothing worth it anymore. It has a really beautiful bridge of "If you could only save me, I'm drowning in the waters of my sOOOUUUUULLLLL" We all know by now, that capitalized italics mean a beautiful raspy voice was used to sing those lyrics. We know how much I love my raspiness. Oh I really do love it. And this raspy bit is so good is sounds like someone gargling food. Which I'm laughing out loud at the choice of words, and probably not what the band had in mind when writing it, that it would have the response of "it sounds like gargled food". Now I'm laughing so hard I'm crying, but I'm trying not to -it's the perfect description of how raspy it was. I love it.
The song then slows down and there's "ooh"'s for a while which sound amazing, and then it finishes with what I think sounds like a cello.. And then the song starts into 'Rocks' which follows on from Nothing Left To Say, which is a slower, calmer song with banjo sounds and violins, and this song is a 'where do we go from here' message after you've given up on everything from the previous song.
This was a really long description of a song, but it's a long song, and very beautiful, and my new favourite at this current moment of time.

Lost Cause -Imagine Dragons, this song starts with kind of alien-ish sounds, and then drums count it in to this raw, raspy, gritty song. The chorus for this is perfect, it's so  sing your heart out into a hairbrush worthy. It's another deep lyric, with a catchy tune kind of song, but the raspiness in the voice really gives the song emotion, it's story is similar to Nothing Left To Say, it's about not being good enough to be saved, that there's no point trying to be better because it's too late, you're too far gone. Another song to the theme of giving up. I'm starting to notice a running theme in their music. I haven't listened to their albums the whole way through so I wouldn't know if they're purposely telling a story, but the first album seems to have this theme of hopelessness, and dark insides, hidden demons, and giving up on the world. Then the second album appears to be an apology, it feels like Imagine Dragons have taken off and they're apologizing for all the wrongs they did, all the people they upset, mainly -what it feels like, is that that they're apologizing to their family, for, I guess, the first album -everything that was said in the first album feels like rebellious, struggling, misunderstood teenage years, and the second album is grown up, mature, I'm sorry for putting you through what I put you through. But that's just what I'm getting so far.

Thief - Imagine Dragons, I promise I'm going to write less about these songs. This one reminds me of a song from my childhood somehow, but I like the innocence this song carries, it talks of the innocent days before the real world got scary and truthful, and there's no way to get rid of it.. It's about longing for those days of innocence again -which further makes me think back to my childhood, where I was innocent and oblivious to things I face now.

Smoke And Mirrors - Imagine Dragons, this song makes me sad, because he's singing about home life, and I don't know if it's his home life, but it really hits. I don't have a bad home life, but it really makes you think about other people's homes, because not everything you on the front cover is accurate to what goes on inside. And the metaphor of 'smoke and mirrors' is really good too.
This song has such bad Coldplay vibes. I love Coldplay, and to here essences of them in Imagine Dragons is so cool.

Dream - Imagine Dragons, if everyone had a song to describe their personality, this would be my song. It's about being designed different from everyone else, I wasn't made for 9 to 5 jobs, I have a colourful mind. But the song speaks of how the world is a mess but people pretend it's fine, so you shut yourself away and create this bubble of what's good. Your 'dream' and everyone moans at you for not seeing the world through real eyes. But you know the world is a mess, it just looks better when you look at it with your painted vision. Which isn't solidly what the song's about, what I just wrote is part the song's message, part what it means to me. But I think the song speaks truth, so much truth. More people need to be aware of this song.

Veins - Dan Smith, I just accidentally got sucked into a half hour YouTube vortex of gag reel's my attention span is awful. Anyways, I've listened to all of Bastille, and now I'm onto Dan Smith as a solo artist. I don't know whether to laugh at this song or just be in complete and utter shock. It's essentially a song about hating the train, and when you listen to it in that sense it's hilarious because the choice of words are just so humor-ful. But if you try to dig deeper the song can mean something more, about relationships etc. But if this song is solely about the train, with no hidden meaning, then wow. Dan can make a song about being squashed on a train so deep and visionary. It's so good, but so funny.

Blame - Bastille, this is a new song that hasn't been released as a studio version yet, and I can't wait until it is because this song is so good! It's dark and gritty, and Will's on a guitar, Dan's vocal varies from low, to high, to my favourites gritty, raspiness, it's catchy is punchy, and the end is so good.

Snakes - Bastille, I wasn't overly keen on this at first it's another non studio released song, it starts really high, then the drums come in and Will on guitar again, and it sounds really good. Then Dan sings lower, when he sings "if I'm not ready" before the first chorus he kind of dips pitch from medium, to low, then up to again all in the word "if" which I'm obsessed with. The song's about how easy it is to not do something that scares you, or you don't want to do, which is my life in one entire song. My favourite bit though, is that Kyle gets his own little solo!!! I don't think he takes on full vocals, I think there's an instrumental bit, where Kyle's backing vocals continue louder, and Dan stops singing altogether so you can just hear Kyle. But I love that he has a solo, and I can't wait to hear that clearer on a studio version.

Laura Palmer Evolved - Bastille, I never spoke about this and I don't now why. It's an acoustic version of Laura Palmer, and my favourite non studio version of Dan's vocals. He starts the song so soft, but vocally strong with an amazing accent, then he gets his voice stronger, but makes it rough round the edges where it has a gritty edge to it. Then it cools down again and at 1:05 he says "blue" but he pronounces it as "buh-lou" and I have to repeat it over and over every time. Woody's drumming is so good in this song as well, it's so atmospheric. My favourite part of the starts from 2:06 to 2:49. God bless my ears. There's so much raspiness mixed with delicate vocals and a perfectly held long note at the end. The parts where Dan sing "tHISS is your heart" and "this is you RAACING hea-ar-art" are my absolute favourite because it's so so raspy, but also so nicely sung.. it's strange, but it sounds so good.

I'm going to leave it at this, because I can't stop writing paragraphs about every song and this post has become so long. I should be back tomorrow with my first official post for my November Diaries thing I'm doing.

Shaan x


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