10 Reasons To Be Getting Excited For Spring

I'm feeling really refreshed today, after that good cry I had yesterday (who knew I needed one that desperately) I woke up a completely transformed woman! I had a little (big) play around on my lovely new iPhone and did a teeny bit of housework, when one of my college girls text me and asked if I'd like to go out with the girls this Saturday, like proper 18 year old, legal, Saturday night clubbing... I was so happy I squealed, and that made my day so much better. And then I realised, it was nearly spring. I know technically spring is miles away, but for me, spring starts March 1st. Spring to be honest, is probably my least favourite season, it's just a cheap version of summer except fresher, but it's not winter! The days are starting to get longer which I'm so happy about because my skin has been blessed with Vitamin D and sunlight and all good things. So I thought I'd compile a list of reasons why I'm desperate for spring to arrive in full swing. I know...