Currently Listening To... (7)

I am here, doing another Currently Listening To, two weeks in a row, I think this is a new record since 2016! Again I don't have a particularly interesting set of songs, there's no new band/artist I've fell in love with, but there are a few songs I haven't spoke about before which is much better than the past few weeks. Run - Snow Patrol , this song is probably my most favourite guilty pleasure of all time! I absolutely adore this song. Mostly I have spent years listening to the version by Leona Lewis which is just as shockingly beautiful as the original version, so I'm semi new to this, original version. I don't actually have a clue what the song is about, except that it is someone singing to a loved one, it's a desperate song, it kinda feels like a scandalous relationship and the man has to send away his girl to protect her because they aren't allowed to be together, but I feel like that's too cliche a story for a song as good as this. I love ...