
Showing posts from March, 2016

Currently Listening To... (7)

I am here, doing another Currently Listening To, two weeks in a row, I think this is a new record since 2016! Again I don't have a particularly interesting set of songs, there's no new band/artist I've fell in love with, but there are a few songs I haven't spoke about before which is much better than the past few weeks. Run - Snow Patrol , this song is probably my most favourite guilty pleasure of all time! I absolutely adore this song. Mostly I have spent years listening to the version by Leona Lewis which is just as shockingly beautiful as the original version, so I'm semi new to this, original version. I don't actually have a clue what the song is about, except that it is someone singing to a loved one, it's a desperate song, it kinda feels like a scandalous relationship and the man has to send away his girl to protect her because they aren't allowed to be together, but I feel like that's too cliche a story for a song as good as this. I love ...

Life Lately: Operation Change My Life

Last year on my blog I had a very small series called 'Operation Change My Life' which was my attempt to straighten out my life, but since new year and the operation change my life being most of my resolutions I kinda stopped writing them, it's only now whilst trying to think how I can incorporate what I want to say into a blog post that I've just remembered about operation change my life. So here I am, I have a new outlook on things right now, and these past two weeks have really changed my life around, I'm finally starting to get to grips with living like a normal human being. Growing up (18 seems to be the year of transitioning between child and adult) the things I want out of life are changing, I'm really keen finding a career that's worthwhile, I want to dress different, look different, behave different. Which is actually really hard, because I keep seeing my reflection and hating what I see, too chubby for my grown up smart brain, too freckly, too sma...

Currently Listening To... (6)

Finally I'm actually getting two consecutive posts up, I haven't been listening to many new songs at all this year which has made making these posts really hard because there's not enough to write about. But I'm pushing myself to put something up, I do have three songs I've been absolutely in love with and I've been dying to talk about them... Only Love Can Hurt Like This - Paloma Faith , I was shocked at realising this song had come out in 2014! I've heard it on the radio a few times and liked the song but I've never been a big fan of Paloma Faith so never really chose to listen to it. However, I did that thing where a song gets stuck in my head so I have to listen to it and then kinda never stop listening to it.. I am ob sessed with this song! I love everything about it, the lyrics, the way in which the lyrics are sung, the background music, the song's story, the relatability, the music video... It's a song that will always be a guilty ple...

What It's Like To Grow Up Shy

I have been shy for as long as I remember, chronically shy might be a better way of putting it. As a baby attending playgroups I'd hide behind my mum, as a wee child at primary school I made friends based on other people coming up to me, and throughout the horrid high school years I barely went to school for my utter fear of people interaction, and for the bullying from people who just couldn't understand my quietness. I really don't know why I'm shy, there's people who will describe their shyness as a worry they'll mess up their words in a conversation, or say the wrong thing, or just be an entirely awkward person. But I have been shy since coming out of the womb and have no defining thought that I feel makes me shy, which makes it a lot harder because it means I can't figure out how to overcome it. And being shy has given me much more embarrassing moments than if I would have, had just felt comfortable in situations. Such as an awkward coughing fit d...

Sunday Mornings...

I've never been one for Sunday mornings, I didn't get them, for me weekends are all about adventure and maybe a bit of a lie in and a Netflix marathon, but what's so special about Sundays? Why are they considered the most relaxing day of the week? It's always been a day of last minute homework and a groaning attitude at the upcoming week and the M word that comes after Sunday. But after having a delightful few Sunday's, I'm starting to fall a little bit head over heels for them. I'm a very fast paced person, I don't take time out to pause and breathe and take in my surroundings. I went to Paris one year, visited the Eiffel Tower and after two minutes of admiring the view I was ready to leave because there was so much more of Paris to see. I like to rush through everything, and I know I miss a lot precious moments by doing this, because when you step out of the buzz for just a moment it gives you the chance to realise just how happy you are in a moment ...

Currently Listening To... (5)

Okay!! Currently Listening To! Lets do this! (I've been sat staring at a blank screen for a while, that felt an appropriate way to actually get me on with the post) Satellites - Sleeping With Sirens , I've spoke about this before, and I haven't actually been listening to it at all this past week but I've just stumbled across it right now and memories of my love for this song have resurfaced instantly and I'm being overwhelmed with emotions because this song is so beautiful and I can't believe I forgot about it. I can literally smell the old place where I used to listen to this song, I can feel the feelings I felt when I sat and listened to it. God I love this song. I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! At The Disco , this past week has been a nightmare, I have suddenly developed a habit of saying "what a beautiful kitty" to my kittens, and every time I do I end up singing it out Brendon Urie style and the song will be stuck in my head all...

Life Lately: The February Round Up Edition

I'm writing this post on my bedroom floor, Alfie (my rabbit) is having a bit of a run around and he likes it when I'm on the floor with him because he loves jumping over my legs. But I'm sat in an area of my bedroom that I've never sat in before and it's making my entire room look so different... I'm back with another monthly round up post, where I refer back to the goals I set myself at the start of the year and compare with how well I'm doing now. Fitness wise I've been absolutely rubbish, I have left the house for exercise purposes just twice, however I seemed to have lost a lot of my Christmas weight finally, my stomach has got a lot flatter these past few weeks and my body confidence has shot up. Which has inspired me to want to lose weight again. As it's it's the first of March today it's definitely making a good start to this month. Waking up and being productive everyday hasn't been the best, I mean I have gotten out of be...