Currently Listening To... (8)

I've just made myself a sugary cuppa -I usually use sweetener now because diet, but today is a special occasion, I donated blood but more on that tomorrow- and I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to have some down time and write up today's blog post before tidying my room up and doing some jobs. I only have three songs this week, but they're all new, finally! Well, two are new, one is new to the blog.

White Fences - Needtobreathe, two years ago I came across this song on a summer's day and fell so deeply in love. Some songs are just "summer songs" they have this happy vibe to them but I couldn't describe them any further than that, every summer I seem to find this one song that captures everything about summer so well, and that song then becomes my summer anthem. This song is perfect, it's actually lyrically quite sad, it's about a broken relationship and things not being the happy picture perfect life that they expected. "White fences" meaning the picket fence family home everyone is brought up expecting to come to them at the right time in their life. The song doesn't really reflect the lyrics from the music though, it's cheery and upbeat, it has the same kind of vibes as Mumford and Sons and Imagine Dragons but they're not all that similar. After re-connecting with this song the other day, I tried out some of their other songs...

Looks Like Love - Needtobreathe, this song is really cute, as in it's so nice to hear a guy say these words "I won't run if it looks like love" obviously not all guys are like the movies say they are, and there are guys who are more ready to love than some girls are. But it just nice to know that guys have a heart too. I really like the lyrics in this, it's a catchy song and I really like the music in it. I've listened to a few of their songs and this could be my current second favourite. Although they have a lot of music out and I can't even begin to choose a favourite when there's still so much more to listen to!

Something Beautiful - Needtobreathe, this one is a little slower and vocally and emotionally rawer. It's a Christian song so I'm not able to fully understand the lyrics, but it sounds like a man searching for something beautiful and if I really pick apart the lyrics to suit my own interpretation I feel like the song is about happiness, how it's a journey and you're always within reach of it but it's never actually a fixed destination, which is actually one of my favourite concepts and quotes, that happiness is not a destination but a journey,

That's all the music I have, I'll post my experience with giving blood tomorrow, hopefully, every time I say that it never happens.

Shaan x


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