Life Lately: The April Round Up Edition
I did three posts last month. I'm so mad at myself I don't know why I'm not finding the time to blog. This month, in all fairness, my life has been turned a little bit upside down, but I still had plenty of opportunity to blog..
Hopefully I'll get back on track now.
Well, it's the 5th of May (so very happily close to summer now) and It's about time for another monthly round up post. This past April I have conquered some of my biggest fears and it was surprisingly the easiest thing in the world, and it hasn't affected my life at all like I thought it would.
My biggest fear being going to work, leaving my house and getting out in the world, and finally it's been done, I've been working about 4 weeks now I think and I'm really enjoying it, it's not as scary as as I thought it would be, It's been a little bit difficult trying to get used to time management but you know what, I love it and I'm angry it took me so long to do it. (I recontacted the company I was technically employed with, and they decided to give me a chance despite me being shy)
Another fear I had was that if I was working I was scared everything in my life would change and I wouldn't recognise myself anymore, but that hasn't happened, literally nothing has changed in my life except sometimes I'm up at six am. And that doesn't bother me either somehow.
Then another fear, needles. I conquered that fear when I donated blood and had a lot of fun doing so.
And finally, the last fear I conquered was confronting people. If something happens, if I see something, hear something, I'd much rather pretend it didn't bother me and go on secretly pissed because I don't want to cause confrontation. But people forget all the time that communication is everything and I ended up blurting out my issue to a certain person and after a very long discussion and debate, we ended up in a much better situation than ever before. Out of all the things this was the hardest to sit through, I was shaking with adrenaline and my heart was hammering! But it was the best lesson I've learnt.
Now that the big stuff is out of the way, my other resolutions were to be more productive, and to get fitter and healthier. I've definitely been a lot more productive and that's because I'm forced to be out of bed everyday for work, and once that happens I'm motivated and in the mood to do things that need doing.
Fitness wise, I haven't been actively working hard for it like I was last month, but I've been walking everywhere for work and it's starting to show. This past week I've got back into eating healthy again also. I'm the biggest binge eater, and I'd managed to stay away from chocolate for about four weeks I think, but then I had some crispy M&Ms -which are the best things in the world! And that's when my healthy eating went down the pan. But it's summer soon and I really want to feel comfortable is a pair of shorts this year.
I think that's everything! I've had a really positive month with everything but my blog, so I guess for May I need to keep up with everything, and blog more. The amount of posts I have lined up is unreal, and none of them are getting done..
I might post a Currently Listening To tomorrow even though it will be Thursday, there's so much exciting songs I need to talk about! But until then..
Shaan x
Hopefully I'll get back on track now.
Well, it's the 5th of May (so very happily close to summer now) and It's about time for another monthly round up post. This past April I have conquered some of my biggest fears and it was surprisingly the easiest thing in the world, and it hasn't affected my life at all like I thought it would.
My biggest fear being going to work, leaving my house and getting out in the world, and finally it's been done, I've been working about 4 weeks now I think and I'm really enjoying it, it's not as scary as as I thought it would be, It's been a little bit difficult trying to get used to time management but you know what, I love it and I'm angry it took me so long to do it. (I recontacted the company I was technically employed with, and they decided to give me a chance despite me being shy)
Another fear I had was that if I was working I was scared everything in my life would change and I wouldn't recognise myself anymore, but that hasn't happened, literally nothing has changed in my life except sometimes I'm up at six am. And that doesn't bother me either somehow.
Then another fear, needles. I conquered that fear when I donated blood and had a lot of fun doing so.
And finally, the last fear I conquered was confronting people. If something happens, if I see something, hear something, I'd much rather pretend it didn't bother me and go on secretly pissed because I don't want to cause confrontation. But people forget all the time that communication is everything and I ended up blurting out my issue to a certain person and after a very long discussion and debate, we ended up in a much better situation than ever before. Out of all the things this was the hardest to sit through, I was shaking with adrenaline and my heart was hammering! But it was the best lesson I've learnt.
Now that the big stuff is out of the way, my other resolutions were to be more productive, and to get fitter and healthier. I've definitely been a lot more productive and that's because I'm forced to be out of bed everyday for work, and once that happens I'm motivated and in the mood to do things that need doing.
Fitness wise, I haven't been actively working hard for it like I was last month, but I've been walking everywhere for work and it's starting to show. This past week I've got back into eating healthy again also. I'm the biggest binge eater, and I'd managed to stay away from chocolate for about four weeks I think, but then I had some crispy M&Ms -which are the best things in the world! And that's when my healthy eating went down the pan. But it's summer soon and I really want to feel comfortable is a pair of shorts this year.
I think that's everything! I've had a really positive month with everything but my blog, so I guess for May I need to keep up with everything, and blog more. The amount of posts I have lined up is unreal, and none of them are getting done..
I might post a Currently Listening To tomorrow even though it will be Thursday, there's so much exciting songs I need to talk about! But until then..
Shaan x
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