A Long Overdue Catch Up...

So, hello.
It may have been a little while...
I've been struggling to blog all year really as I've mentioned countless times in countless (or maybe quiet easily counted because how little posts there are) posts, and this year has been a very hectic, full of change, full of new things and experiences kind of year. I have a lot to blog about really. These past few months have been completely consumed by work, I work 7 days a week 6am to 9pm. Any free time I have is spent as free time, my blog whilst still in my mind, has been pushed so far back because I don't even have time to eat, definitely not enough time to do my washing.. my blog... has been made to wait.
However I've had the past two days off of work after crumbling under the pressure Friday morning, and these two days break has got me feeling like my old self again and I need to share my happiness on my blog. Don't get me wrong, I'm absolutely besotted with my job, or I wouldn't work the hours I do, I'm just still trying to adjust the balance between life and work, I don't think balance comes naturally to a teenager, I'm always "all in" on anything I do which means I'm throwing my entire self into working causing a not so healthy lifestyle, but I'm happy with it. I've been thinking of doing a whole post on everything working has taught me, but I daren't make any commitments like that at the moment.

Anyway, I just wanted to catch up a bit, let my blog know what my world's been up to etc.
I've become a lot closer with my old college friends and it feels so good to have a group of friends I never have to worry about what they'll say behind my back, I feel like I've only just met my first group of genuine people which is awful thinking of the amount of friendship groups I've been apart of...
I don't get to see them often and I don't feel obliged to have to speak to them everyday so our friendship doesn't turn to dust. We can talk after any amount of time and act like we've just seen each other which is nice, and very beneficial to my working hours.

I've been shopping a lot. I bought myself a nice ol' double bed which I hated at first because I didn't know how to sleep in it, now I sleep across the entire thing and it's the most comfortable thing I've ever been in. I've completely fell in love with reading again,  and my book collection is once again growing nicely, I have week off in a week and I'm going to get my first tattoo!!! I've got tickets to see Bastille in November!! I'm hopefully going to see twenty one pilots in November too... in Paris. But that really is a maybe. Life has been very good lately, I'm also thinking of going back college, my future has a kind of direction and plan to it which it has never had. I'm slotting nicely into my place in the world.
By no means is anything perfect, I wouldn't want it to be, then you couldn't appreciate the really good days.

My cats are growing so much, I know because I've started calling them my cats rather than my kittens, I'm very sad about it. They've taken a liking to hunting birds which is just terrific. Especially when all the raise their babies in our trees. They love my new bed and take up the entire bottom half of it, like they are currently.

I don't know, not much has happened to me other than general life, but I wanted to catch up and oh actually, I need to moan about the weather. Can we talk about the fact it's August soon and we've had NO SUMMER! It has rained and been cold almost every single day this year, I'm still leaving the house in a coat. We're having the occasional muggy days which are hot and wet but the sky is 100% thick grey. I did not go through that hellish winter for this.. I need to move to Australia.

I also learnt how to do eyebrows so they have some form of "on fleek" shape to them. Praise the Lord. And I'm addicted to nude lips, and white going out dresses, I can't stop buying them.

So that's a very messy catch up on my life which is very spontaneously written. I won't say "I'm back" because I could go back to work tomorrow and not find the time again. But I have a week off soon so there's gotta be a post up then at least. But again, no promises until I've sorted my life/time/work thing out.
I took this at Bradgate park, very early spring I think.

Shaan x


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