Hello I'm Back!!!

Oh how much I've missed seeing this blank page ready to be filled up with whatever the hell falls out of my mouth. I'm on my break at work and I really should be relaxing because I've got another six hours of the day left but I miss my blog too much and I really need to post something. My hours are becoming more humanisable starting Monday so I'll have time to start posting again thank god!!! I'll also have more time for a reasonable sleep routine (on my nights off at least) I haven't ever really minded because I enjoy working so much but I really am reaching a point where I miss having a life, I miss not being able to see my friends, and having my clothes organised (everything gets washed, then I pick things out of the dryer until it's all eventually worn and the cycle starts over again. Because I just don't have time to sort things through), my bedroom needs a good spring clean, my calendar is still on June... I'm a mess!

I don't have a direction for this post, I'm hoping this is a vow to myself to say this is it, I'm back to posting regularly.

I'll add a quick note to explain my last post, I had a series of things happen to me, which I'd written in the last paragraph, which were just niggling things that eventually build up until you realise "why are girls constantly living like this?" and I kept seeing things on twitter, in the news etc.. It's one thing I can't stand, women being objectified or devalued, so I just needed to have a good 'ol rant about it.

Back on this post though, I'm hoping to get a few hauls up, there are so many things I've bought over the past few months and I just want to squeal about them over the internet because how else can you enjoy a good shopping trip? I also want to do this other post I'm thinking off which I won't mention until it's up. A few reviews, makeup looks... and Autumn/Christmas related posts because I haven't stopped thinking about Christmas for about three weeks now. We bought a Santa thing that will turn our toilet into Santa.
I also changed the look of my blog up a bit! I'm not sure if I like it, I don't know what I want my blog to look like I just  needed a change... I want to start making my blog a thing like I said I wanted it to be at the start of the year. All my resolutions are still going quite well, all but my blog, so that's the next thing I need to work on.

Right, that's all the nonsense I'm going to come out with, because I have to go back to work soon and this post will get far too rambly and pointless if I don't stop myself. I just wanted to say a quick, hello, I'm alive and okay.

Shaan x


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