A Weekend In Nottingham With Bastille

God I've missed my blog! I said I would post more now I have a new laptop, but I can't figure out how the hell you put photos onto a post... I've been sat trying to work it out almost everyday and getting very frustrated because nothing makes sense. I've googled it and nothing is helping, I should probably just read the instruction manual though..
To make up for my absence I'm writing out a very long winded, lots of words, lots of pictures, post.

It's been twelve days since I went to go see Bastille live and it's been driving me insane not being able to talk about it because the entire weekend was entirely insane.
I booked train tickets, the hotel, everything entirely on my own and got very lost trying to find the hotel and trying not to cry in public in a city I didn't know.

I went with my sister, we met up in our hometown, town to catch a 10:25 train to Nottingham, which stopped pretty much bang smack in the middle of where everything we needed was. We had a very quick wander round the streets, bought some snacks for the queue and grabbed some lunch at Starbucks, before we made our way to the  arena to queue for the concert. We got there at half one and managed to get second row centre stage. Queueing required a lot of planning because it's November and cold, but we can't wrap up because we'd die in the arena so we took bulky coats and bomber jackets, the bulky coats were taken into the hotel a couple hours before the show and our bomber jackets could be tied around our waist during the concert, but there were lockers in the arena we could have used.
I was terrified to queue. I thought we were going to freeze to death, be bored to death, and be absolutely knackered by the end of it that we'd just want to sleep instead of be at a concert. But the time went so quick, it wasn't too cold because we had adrenaline going through us, the staff that came out from 2pm were so unbeleivaly kind and amazing. And then we made a ton of friends! We spoke to everyone who was around us, I've left with people's snapchats and phone numbers and added people on Facebook.. It was such an amazing atmosphere with really good people.
When we did get into the arena, and landed second row, everyone got really tired and moody because it was late and cold and we all wanted sleep. All my adrenaline made me feel so sick I wasn't sure if I'd have run to a toilet and lose my place, my legs ached and we were too cramped to sit down.. it was awful (but still good). We had to wait another hour before the first act came out, then the second support act came out who was an absolute genius! I don't know if he's a band or a single person who performs with a band but he/they're called Ratonale and that man's stage presence absolutely blew me away! He really connected with the audience, his voice was ah-mazing! And his dance moves... just wow.

And then Bastille came on and we were so close and I was so shocked at how tall they are in real life! They were soo good, as expected because they always sound so much better live and they got the crowd going absolutely mental, crushing me into tiny peices, we got a few waves from Kyle which killed me a little bit, and I can't believe how hot and sweaty it gets in there! Cups of water were being passed round and girls were passing out and being carried from the crowd, I felt like I was nearly one of those girls. It was HOT.
They surprised everyone and played Way Beyond live and I'm so happy because I always said that would be good live, but to be fair I think my favourite song that was played (aside from The Draw because that's my fave anyway, and blame because that's my fave live song also) was Pompeii, with it being the last song everyone just let loose on what energy they had left and it got crazy. I did film the most in this song out of the others and I'm so glad I did because it was so fun.
Then they left and the concert was over and I was very sad, but also on the brink of death from too much singing (shouting) and dancing (jumping like a mad man).
But the amount of effort Bastille has put into these live shows as well is incredible, this brand they've created WWCOMMS gave the concert a theme, very relevant to the current state of the world. The show was basically about bringing the album to life visually and I love that they did that.

After the show we searched the streets for an open shop selling cold fizzy drinks for our dehydrated dying selves, but everywhere was closed, and we just happened to stumble into what looked like a tour bus... and then a small crowd of people. We freaked out a little and asked if they were waiting for the band to come out -which they were. So we sat and waited for the band to come out - not at all thinking that there was a slight possibility we could freakin' meet the band!! 
And we did.
Well we met Dan. And saw Woody passing with arms full of beer bottles.
Dan came out and hugged us, and took a group photo on a girl's phone that has not been shared onto social media (crying) and then he took a photo with me and my sister and I died even more inside.
I cannot believe that happened. At all.

We eventually got back to our hotel at 2am, to have a very restless in-and-out sleep. Because every time I nearly drifted off the butterflies came back and I had to stare at the photo of us and Dan for a bit to try and comprehend it.

The next day we got breakfast and wandered round Victoria Shopping Crentre for a bit and didn't actually buy anything but food. I was probably still reeling over the £10 I spent on a bottle of Bastille style hot sauce. When I don't even like hot things. But am adjusting to. After blowing off my head repeatedly with this sauce.

Then we took the sad train home, and have been planning our next Bastille visit since. And also bought some tickets to see Rationale in January.

So that's the weekend, here are the photos, which are a mish mash of portrait, landscape, selfies and non selfies. I was having way too much fun to try and take good photos.

The queue from 1:30

Okay my hair was straight when I went into this concert. It was that humid and sweaty it curled my hair up, it was so wet and gross when leaving!

Look at this beauty and our awkward faces!!

 This was my outfit for the concert which I might as well quickly show, my jeans are from Zara, as is my bomber jacket, the top is from H&M and my shoes that I actually wore in Nottingham were my NIKE Roches

Shaan x


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