Monthly Round Up: February 2017

This year has had the most amazing start, I've done so many exciting things, including things outside of my comfort zone, things I'm proud of myself for doing. I've embarked on a fitness adventure, made trains my second home, gone a little crazy in an effort to bring some freshness and positivity in my life, hell, I even left my job. I feel like I'm really loving my life and it's great.

At the end of January I came across an advert, which was advertising not a diet -a lifestyle change. A fitness community full of badass supportive girls who are girly af but so so hardcore. It's mostly an Instagram community, no fads, real hard work with the assistance of a beautiful community. So I became completely engrossed in that this month, eating really well, drinking lots of water, and working my body strong. I can't recommend it enough to people, it's amazing I'm obsessed with it.

I've been on lots of adventures, to Nottingham for a drunken weekend with my friends, to Sheffield for one of the best weekends of my life (post at some point), Birmingham for another drunken weekend, where I think I fell a little bit in love with a really cute boy that I danced with all night (go me for not running away from anything remotely "feeling" related) so so mad I didn't get his number or his name or anything. So are my friends and mum when I told her all (most) of the details.
I even redecorated my room and I'm obsessed with. I need to buy a new storage unit and then that's it, but because I'm not working I'm too scared to spend anything that's in my bank account..

So my job, the management was a huge pile of shit, I was working all the unsociable hours and they still didn't appreciate what I was doing, giving me ridiculous jobs expecting me to work 7 nights and days a week... So I told them I was done, this is a year of positivity and I had to let my job go, no matter how much I loved it, it consumed my life and essentially left me with more negatives.
It's been two weeks and I've not made any effort of looking for a new job, because one I need a rest, and two, I don't want anything else. But I have finally figured out my future!!!! Had to bring out the bold, italic and underline to truly emphasise my excitement. Remember 2015 when I had a 6 month meltdown because I just don't know what I wanted, I've been panicking for years about what the hell I want to do and I've finally got it. I'm not going to say what it is just yet. I want to get my job sorted and start really planning my future first.

So I've really enjoyed this year so far, though currently I'm bored out of my mind at home, my goals for next month are to keep up with my healthy eating and working out, to develop my morning routine, keep my room tidy, get myself a job, and sort out some driving lessons. Also commit to finally buying R&L tickets.

Photo taken from the Sheffield trip..

Shaan x


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