My Goals For 2018

Reading back on the post I wrote this time last year I can confidently say I've accomplished nearly all of them. So I'll quickly review each one and talk about my new ones.
1, I wanted to get healthy, that I accomplished so well, as mentioned in my previous post, I said I wanted to eat more nutritiously which I did, drink more water, which I did, and get fitter, which I definitely did.
2, get more organised, I needed more structure to my life where everything was late, lat minute and unplanned. Now I have no choice but to be organised, with balancing college, work, gym, dancing, social life and homework I'm having to make sure I know where I need to be, who I'm seeing, how much sleep I need to prepare for the next day, if that's a 5am start or a long night out.
3, Drive. This is the only one I didn't even start, and that's because I didn't have the money to do it with no working most of the year. I'm also really really scared to drive and I'm not sure it's really me. But it's a challenge I'd like to face in 2018
4, Live more. This one I definitely accomplished. Not quite in the way I meant it, I wanted travelling an exploring and doing new things, and what I actually did was simply lived, engaged with people, had 3am adventures, read more, made friends, did a bit of travelling but only to neighbouring cities, ate at new places etc.

So my new resolutions are:

1) Keep up with gym and good eating. Aim to be in a bikini by summer.

2) Take at least one driving lesson


4) Go to uni and move out of home

5) Manage my money better

6) Continue making new friends and enjoying my current friends

7) Continue to love life

8) Be more patient with my little brother

Shaan x


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