What happens when our dreams fail us?
This is a post I've been mentally writing out in my head for the past few weeks. But I daren't actually write it out or post it in case I go back on myself and then I'll feel this post was a waste of time, and I've got a nervous tingly feeling over my entire body by finally committing to writing it. Whew. Deep breath. I'm leaving university. There'll be two types of people reading this, one type will see uni as nothing too important and not see the big deal, and the other viewing uni as the pathway to life that you should seriously work for and not give up on. I've been focussing on getting a career for years, I've seen my mum struggle because she never had a degree, seen my sister living on the edge because she dropped out of college and lives alone trying to support herself, and I've seen friends thriving and getting degrees and enjoying life. By no means am I saying you need a degree or that is essential in life, that's not something I...