Confronting Mental Health, One Hell Of a Journey

I wrote half of this post out months ago. It's a very hard one to write, and even harder to decide if it should be published. But I'm embarking on a new chapter in my life right now, and I kinda want to start afresh and I feel this post needs to go up so I can be completely transparent on here. I have mentioned in other posts that my mental health hasn't been on par this year but I really want to sit down and talk about it properly. It's going to be a long post, but it's something I feel is detrimental to my journey and moving onto to my next chapter. My mental health this year caused me to drop out of uni, it made me fall out of love with nursing and caring for people. After identifying myself as a "nurse" for so long and being a carer for four years which I absolutely adored, that suddenly turning into the biggest cause of my panic attacks and mood dips, has absolutely broken my heart. But people change, I'm only 21 and I have so much to learn and ...