
Showing posts from February, 2020

The little things you should stay alive for

There was a point in my life, not all that long ago, where I had lost all hope, and I was desperately trying to cling on and find  something  worth living for. Because sometimes depression, or just a really tough period, feels  so big,  its so dense, and heavy. And sometimes "having hope" or believing that the storm will pass soon is not enough. Sometimes the promise of better days isn't enough to get you through the now. A few months ago I came across a list online, from someone else grasping at straws and trying to find reasons to carry on, and it resonated with me. I loved it, and used that same strategy, it was just a list of little things that seem so silly in being able to help your low moods, but sometimes its the little things that we need. The bigger picture is too much to cope with. Trying to say "oh I'll be happier once I get out of my job" or "move house" "leave my toxic relationship" are heavy, dense things, they are big lif...

Self care Sunday: Florence by mills review

I do love a good self care Sunday. There's something about having a little reset day before taking on Monday and setting goals for the new week.  I also love a me-time day. I don't get much of it at the moment because whenever I'm not working I'm trying to fill my days up with plans with friends, running errands, writing or going to the gym. A lot of things are slipping through my fingers and not getting done and the weeks are whizzing by, so it's nice just to dedicate Sunday to slowing time down a bit and taking care of me. Despite me actually working on Sundays. So I got home from work, changed into my dressing gown like the grandma I am, made a cuppa and started filling the bath. I recently bought a face mask from the Millie Bobby Brown collection, Florence and really loved it. I knew I needed to talk about it on my blog because I'm such a huge fan of Stranger Things and MBB, I had high hopes for her brand and was surprised by the genuine quality of it and...

Currently Listening To...

So I haven't done one of these posts in forever.  I used to love my Monday mornings, sat down with a cuppa and chatting about the music I'd been listening to the past week. A whole lot has changed in my life since then that it almost feels weird to look back at it now, I've been a whole three other personalities since the old Currently Listening To's. Music has always been a huge part of my life and the songs I listen to always have some deep meaning to me, which is where these posts started. I was so terrified to let people see the dark corners of my mind by talking about my favourite songs, but I love picking songs to pieces and talking about how and why they impact me, so alas, Currently Listening To was born. They're some of my most read posts and favourite to write about so that's why I've decided to reboot them up again! My music taste is going through an odd sort of stage right now, I've been listening to a lot of songs about being independent...