Bored in quarantine? This is what I'm doing...
We made it through three weeks. And now we have another three weeks to make it through as well. I'm doing okay actually, it's been hard not seeing all my friends but phone calls and group chats have been really amazing also. The weather has been beautiful, I'm definitely well rested, been working on myself a lot, it's almost been great - considering the circumstances.
I wanted to write a post today on some things you can do to help pass the time, as we have had three weeks to exhaust all of our spring cleaning and Netflix binges and bread making. Now is where it starts getting really boring. So I've written a list of some big things to do and another one for some little boredom busters when you are actually bored off your tits and need something to do.
~ Photo taken from a walk the other day ~
- Make some life goals. I feel like being stuck inside seems to have made a lot of people realise how precious the outside world is and inspired people to want to really utilise their time more to travel, see friends, and make the most out of things.
I think now is a really good time to start thinking about what you want from life, meaning the experiences you want to have, and set up a goal plan to get there. It's definitely a time I've been thinking on my personal goals.
- Use your hourly exercise allowance. I know a lot of people who are just cooping themselves up in their room and isolating themselves from the outside world altogether. It's spring, the sun is out and there are blossom trees everywhere. I've been going out purely to hear the birds sing and take photos of the beautiful area I live in.
- Take photographs. If that's your thing, work on your photographing skills, whether that's in or out of the house. I've been taking lots of photos and learning how to edit them to make the colours stand out more and I'm really enjoying it.
- I know everyone is saying take up a new skill, but seriously, now is the time to do it. Start some creative writing, paint things, learn yoga, there's so much online learning you can do too.
Or something like doing a YouTube channel or creating a blog. I think having a creative outlet is important in times like these, it reduces anxiety, allows you to express emotion and gives you a sense of accomplishment, we're not having much opportunity to accomplish things or have a sense of purpose otherwise at the moment.
- Personally I've started really focusing on fitness and clean eating again. I'm never going to tell anyone else to focus on this too, because for the first few weeks I'd been eating absolutely everything in my kitchen out of boredom and it really is natural to come out of quarantine with a few extra pounds and you shouldn't feel guilty if you do. Personally I saw this as a time I could really focus on eating good things, cooking new things, and my hour exercise has been the highlight of my days. So taking up running and seeing results is motivating me to make changes in my diet and lifestyle again.
Also, we spent the first few weeks baking cakes, bread and cookies. I'm now adapting that energy into learning to cook more interesting dinners and lunches.
- Do some self care. Figure out what makes you feel the most relaxed and do so much of it! You have all the time in the world to do what you want to do now. I'm planning to make myself a little self care box for bad days, I've been focusing on my skin care routine, I've been sleeping in, reading, lighting candles, spring cleaning, just focusing on nothing but myself.
Big things aside, here's some little boredom busters for when boredom strikes:
- Reading (entire series, old books, new books, favourites)
- Painting by numbers. Keeps me entertained for hours.
- Adult colouring books.
- Group video chats with friends.
- Organising a movie night with blanket forts, snacks and wine (spruces things up a bit).
- Online shopping (attempt with moderation).
- Making music playlists.
- Engaging with instagram challenges (30 day song challenge, fave things in GIFs etc).
- Playing with makeup.
- Creating wishlists.
- Boardgames/card games with family/house members
- Creating a TikTok. I tried not to I really did. But making Tik Toks has been so much fun.
That concludes today's post, I'm always hoping everyone is holding up okay, looking after theirselves and staying indoors. We'll be through the other side soon enough.
Shan x
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