Mother's day

I'm sure you're all aware that mother's day is in 4 days time (depending on what country you live in), so today I went shopping to buy my mum some gifts. Normally my mum tends to get candles, chocolates, and girly bath supplies but this year year I wanted to be a bit more personal and buy her things I know she wants. The presents I have bought aren't huuugely special and expensive because my mum doesn't need £300 spending on her to know she's loved haha.
  I started off in boots, because she's been after this foundation for quite a while now, she's really not a makeup person but she's slowly starting to get more interested in it so I thought she'd really be happy with this. But like the idiot I am, I didn't realise that, I have know idea what shade to choose from... luckily she is a similar shade to me just slightly more tanned, so I finally decided on a colour which makes my skin looks slightly browner... It's safe to say I probably looked slightly strange walking out with several patches over my arms, hands and face to wash it off in the toilets...

My second present, I personally don't like, and I persuaded my mum not to buy it the first time she was eyeing it in the shops. She decided on another ring but then she broke it, and that was what I was originally looking for today but I couldn't find another one anywhere, so instead I bought the original one she wanted even though I really don't like it... but hey, she can wear what she wants whether anyone else likes it or not. 

My third present was a joke, my mum told me I wouldn't have any money to buy her anything but a pair of socks and that she didn't want any socks. So I got her some to prove I had enough money, and just because she said she didn't want them... she'll love them really haha.

 Then I got her a small box of chocolates because you can't not really. It's mother's day, she has the right to indulge a little.

 Finally, I brought some flowers, though they're a little small for her vase though -oopsies. You just can't do mother's day without some flowers, and though these aren't the nicest (there wasn't much selection) I hope she'll be happy with them :)

So that's it, I hope this might give a slight slight inspiration for anyone struggling on what gifts to get and I'd love to know any other gifts people bought for their mum this mother's day in the comments below.
Au revoir, Shannon xoxo


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