"who are we?"

This is a bit more like a diary post... My exams are coming up soon and everyone has decided what they wanted to do after they left school, I've been switching and changing my mind for three years now because I just didn't know what I wanted to be. I'd think of a really good idea that I'd think I want, but after a while I grew bored of aspiring to be that person. A few days a go I realised what I wanted to be -I think. Throughout my whole childhood I used to play "office" where I'd dress up in my smartest clothes and grab all my notebooks and pens and I'd pretend to be a sophisticated businesswoman -like the ones you saw in films. This was who I wanted to be, and to this day that kind of job still excites me, but realistically I'm just not that type of person. So then I realised, something else I'd been slightly obsessed about my entire life is makeup -I'm no way a professional at makeup, I wouldn't even say I'm that good at it, but it's something I love and when I wear it, it gives me this amazing feeling and I can become so many different people by creating different looks. I just thought that because makeup seems so magical to me that it'd be something I could do when I left school. So I looked into it, into all the different possibilities of what I could be and how to go about it, I'm lucky to have (possibly) got a place into south Leicester college because it's so late in the year and applications went out in January... but my best friend is going there to do hairdressing and I've chosen to do beauty so we'll be in the same department which is good. After a year of beauty my careers advisor said I should go into an apprentice to try and gain as much experience as possible then I'm aiming to be a makeup artist -oh wow, even writing the word makes me excited, I've been screaming it out to my friends all day. I want to work in either in the film industry (makeup on actors and perhaps a bit of special effects) or I might do makeup for models before a fashion show -who knows, maybe I'll have the opportunity to do both. This is just something I'm super excited about, I feel like I've finally drew out my future and it looks to be perfect.
My application form for SLC taken on my webcam with the corner of it chewed off by my rabbit. 

See you next time, shann xoxo


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