Flashback to the 1940s

I haven't posted anything for a while, I've been really busy at the moment but at the same time I've not been doing anything that really makes me busy... Do you know what I mean ? Anyway, I was watching The Notebook a few days ago and I love that it was set in the 1940s, I'm completely in love with that era there's something about it that's just so... perfect. The women of that time were so classy and their clothes were so pretty and feminine and I loved the way they did their hair and makeup. Even the way of life back then, it seemed so simple and happy, and relationships were so different then too, people were a lot more passionate than they are now. I'd love to have been born into the era that allowed me to experience the 1940s just to see what it was really like... So out of wishing to be one the pin up girls from the 40s, I decided to play around and try and create a vintage 1940s look, it's in no...