Adventures in Tunisia: The Great Mosque and co

Back to Tunisian posts! We had another little escapade out into the culture of Tunisia by visiting The Great Mosque and learning its history and significance to the people of Tunisia, I've never been very religious but found this so fascinating to learn about, and the building itself is so beautiful and has an overwhelming feel of calmness.
After The Great Mosque we visited a slightly newer mosque which is 300 years old. This one had a more 'modern' feel to it, in the sense it was a bit more than just stone. It was decorated by really gorgeous tiling and archways.
The third place we visited was the place I took the most photos at. It was a fake Taj Mahal, built for the use of a film, and once the film had finished it was converted into an actual place of worship.

Photos start with the fake Taj Mahal:

The next photos are from The Great Mosque:
The Great mosque is the most precious mosque in Tunisia, it was originally built in 670 AD but was rebuilt in 704 and 774. It's a huge mosque and a lot of the local people find comfort just by being there, people visit just to spend hours sat inside. I felt intrusive taking photos of this place so only have a few.

This last mosque was shown to us so we could see the contrast between the newer designs vs the traditional old design of the one previous, this one has mosaics and glass windows, and of course that gorgeous dome ceiling.

So that is it for my mosque visit, I have one more I think for my Tunisian adventures and then I'm done. I have enjoyed writing out these posts of my trip away, I definitely need to visit more places!

Shan x


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