The garden centre and a meal out

So I'm going to upload a slightly different post today, to break up the Tunisian posts. I'm going to share a day I had quite a while a go (the 11th of August) because it was my mum's birthday, and it wasn't a huge amazing day but we spent the day together doing the most boring things it would seem to others, however to us, it made for a perfect day. I thought I'd just sit down and have a little chat about a nice day.

 So we spent most of the day at the garden centre because my mum absolutely loves them, she loves gardening and loves looking around at plants and I love planning the dream garden I'll have one day, but mostly I love the indoor parts of the garden centre where the cute homey/indie/homemade things are sold.
Also the fish part of the garden centre, as demonstrated by the following pictures.

As typical British summer would demonstrate to us, it started chucking it down so we hid indoors and decided to get something to eat at their cafe which was so cute and cosy with the rain coming down outside.
This is my little souvenir from the garden centre, I've wanted a little cactus for a while, so couldn't not buy this when I saw it. We've called her Clarence.
 So we went home, to get ready and made up for my mum's birthday dinner out. I ate so much food it was unreal. It was still pouring it down and there was a double rainbow which wasn't picking up on camera very well but it was very cute out.

We actually can't go out anywhere without taking a weird photo together.

So that's how my mum spent her birthday, it was such a lovely day out, going out for dinner is one of my all time favourite things to do. I'm so glad she had a good day, thanks for reading I'll be back soon!

Shan x


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