I Went To A Gig And Tripped Over A Band Member

I went to a gig type thing with my friend last week, or a few days ago, my mind is mush at the moment. I so badly wanted to take loads of photos and add them to my blog and talk about how amazing the night was, I even got a photo with the singer of one of the band members afterwards. But every single photo, failed in every way possible. All my ones I took of the bands were too dark or too blurry and you can't work out what is even going on.. And then.. the photo I took with the band member, is so so so awful it's unreal. I mean he looks perfectly fine. I was sweaty and red and tired looking so it was going to be a bad photo anyways. But a band member from another band was coming up to us and he was really drunk and he made me laugh. Laugh. I thought I'd still managed to look back at the camera just with a bigger smile but oh wow. Jesus. I'm half blurred as my heads turning round, I have an ugly laughing face, my cheeks are round and shiny and reflecting the flash light,...