Currently Listening To...

Some day last week I started writing out a post, and I was quite proud of the way I had written it, but I can't post it anymore because it has to be posted before December. And as December is tomorrow and today's post is Currently Listening To day, I had to delete it. The post was an announcement type thing that I'll still include in this post it just won't be as thrillingly written out as my previous attempt (and the reason it never got posted last week is because I got distracted and busy and it was quite possibly one of the fastest weeks of my life, I don't what I spent my time doing..) Okay, this week I actually have new music to talk about, most of it is from a particular band I've not stopped listening to, but I haven't particularly listened to their songs enough to write a great deal about them and what they stand for, but I can't not say something about these songs because this band stands for a lot -from what I've taken so far from thei...