Keeping Happy During Winter

Seasonal depression is something that I can definitely relate to. Although I don't like to say I have something I haven't been diagnosed with, so it's just something I can relate to. When it's summer and I think of winter I get excited at the thought of snuggly jumpers and crisp air and snow.. But then it comes and the house is dark because the windows can't let enough light in and the sky is constantly smothered by grey-ness, and everything is wet and uncomfortable. I become sluggish and un-motivated, cold and isolated, and very much sucked into TV.
This year hasn't been so bad, there have been cold but sunny days, wetness but not soggy-ness and I haven't turned blue the second I walk out the front door. But also, I've found a few things which are helping me to enjoy winter, and I thought I'd share them. As I did a post last year about "how I survive winter" but it wasn't the most inspiring of reads...

Vitamin D. With little sun for a limited number of hours, hidden within thick clouds of grey-ness, it is often a lack of Vitamin D that causes the majority of people to suffer through winter. and the easiest, most obvious way to get Vitamin D (aside from Petis Filous yogurts) is to get outside more. In England we are cursed with wet winters, but we do have a fair few of crisp-air days, and they are good days, and wet days can become okay days if you go for a walk in wellies and wad through mud bogs (basically your local park) I personally have always loved walking through mud and coming home looking disgusting and hopping straight in the shower.
I've been going out everyday for a walk or a run just so my skin can breathe and my lungs can taste freshness and so I can be a human sponge and suck up as much Vitamin D as possible.

Take in the atmosphere. The outside is beautiful in winter, I mean sure the rivers and canals are brown from wet mud, but look how fast they're running, look how full they are. Listen how calming water still sounds even when it's fast running and looks icky-brown.
Listen to the birds, they're all out, chirping in the trees, and somehow birds are always satisfying to hear, unless of course it's a magpie at 6 in the morning. Or a pigeon crashing into your window at 7 in the morning.
See how low the sun is in the sky,  how it constantly looks like it's almost time for it to set, how sunsets are one of the most beautiful things and winter is like one long sunset.
See how everything is green and nourished from the rain, trees (well, evergreens) and forests and the grass at your general boring park, it's all bright and green.
Feel the crisp air coming in out out of your lungs, watch the air turn to fog around you as you breathe it out.
Make footprints in the frost when there's no snow, drag your feet through the grass making a line through the icy morning dew.
Take the time to truly look at what winter looks like, don't think about the grey clouds or the shadows cast over everything. There are grey clouds and shadows all times of the year just in less quantity, take in the things that will disappear when winter ends.
And try not to be as poetic about it like I was..

Enjoy your little pleasures. One thing I have truly loved doing this winter is indulging on the little things I love. The main one being a hot bath. It's winter, which means you can make a scalding bath and stay in as long as you want because it will never be enough heat. Make special mugs of hot chocolate and sit by the fire place -that's not just a thing for Christmas you know. Read books and chain drink tea, paint your nails, buy a new huge, fluffy throw and wrap it round you all day, drink wine, in moderate proportions. Put on a guilty pleasures playlist and sing your heart out to get you motivated. Put on a nice dress, don't let winter restrict your flare.

Fill up your diary. Make every date possible, with friends, family, distant family, old friends, new friends... It's the perfect time of year for long chats, about Christmas, resolutions, the new year, new plans, old plans. Everyone loves a coffee date this time of year. Keep yourself busy with people, just because it's cold outside doesn't mean you have to stay home, go to the cinema, for a meal, to a shopping centre, hell even bowling. Or defy the cold and go for walks with friends.

Re-watch your favourite TV show. This really depends on your character/mood, sometimes -most the time, I find TV shows make me feel worse in the winter, because I get myself into a cocoon (metaphorically and realistically) of blankets and TV romances and get completely absorbed into an "OTP" and lose interest for anything else. Which is actually happening right now. I'm in love with Elijah from The Originals, and I'm in love with his relationship/not relationship with Hayley, and I love how it's a very drawn out process of not knowing if they'll get together or not (I'm halfway through season two) and last night I ended up going to bed at 7pm to watch The Originals all night. Which meant I isolated myself from my family, stayed up 'till almost 2am, woke up the next day at 11am, and ruined my sleeping pattern which I'm desperately trying to improve, and doing things like this definitely isn't going to make me happy.
So depending on self control, TV shows can be good or bad. Today I watched one Sherlock episode and that's it, so today was alright. It's all about moderation, and watching what you think is a healthy amount for you personally.

Take up something new. Last tip, and the most cliche one that obviously had to be put on here, but it's a good tip, that's why. In winter I find myself with a lot of time on my hands, I don't really know how it happens, I guess once it's dark it feels too late to do anything, to go out or make plans.. but essentially you've still got hours until it's actually late. So what to do during this time? If your not feeling your happiest your current hobbies and interests may seem a bit of a bore to do. I know I find myself going "ugh no I don't fancy that today" in winter, so it's good to take up something new. Starting a blog is always a go to idea as it sparks creativity and a get-up attitude. Or, not enough people read for pleasure, taking up reading, or a reading challenge would be and effective way to make use of time. Write something, paint something, learn something, get involved into something. Make music playlists for every occasion, take photos and plaster them on your walls or in scrapbooks or photo books. Or even start a scrapbook, a winter themed one, or summer to make you think of times you'd prefer to think of. Create something you're proud of, learn something you'd be proud to learn, don't waste away a winter waiting for summer to come back, use this time for every opportunity.

Take care. Actually, last but very much not least, look after yourself. Eat well, lots of fruit and veggies, consume those feel good vitamins, a little bit of chocolate never hurt anyone, even if it is new year, chocolate makes you feel happy. Make warm meals, real meals, with good proportions. Get dressed every day, look after your skin, change your bedding, keep your house clean and looking fresh. If your space isn't clean it will bring you down. Smile in front of a mirror, it's supposed to release happy hormones, if it's just a myth, smile in front of a mirror anyway for good vibes. And most importantly smile at strangers, they may need it, just as much as you.
If you're truly struggling, this is a common thing for a lot of the population, never feel embarrassed or unsure whether to go to the doctors or not. It's their job to help, there are helplines you can call, family and friends to speak to if that's easier. Do what's right for you and your happiness.

Shaan x


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