My 2016 Goals/Resolutions
I just read over the post I wrote a year ago today to compare resolutions, and without realising everything I said in last year's post was repeated in yesterday's post, in almost the exact words.
Which kinda ruins this post, I was supposed to summarise how last year's resolutions went then talk about my new ones. (last year's post is simply called "2015" which you can find in the search bar on my blog because I'm too lazy to link it)
To quickly conclude, I succeeded in all my resolutions.
This year is an important year for me. I'm not one who really sees new year's as a new year.. It's just another day on this concept we live our lives by, called "time".
But this year, I need a fresh start, I need to think that last year is wrapped up and done. I need closure to move forward.
This year is going to be the most challenging year of my life, because I have to push myself. I'm constantly dreaming, constantly saying "oh yeah, I could do this, and this, and then this, and then my life will be perfect!" but these ideas never leave my bed, it's time to start living out these things I constantly say I'm going to do. And I'm terrified. And it's going to really push my limits.
But anything's better than living in my bedroom like I have been doing.
There's a lot of things I want -need (without putting immense pressure on myself) to do this next year, and if I succeed it should be the best year I've ever had.
So these are my resolutions/plans for 2016.
Starting with basics: Get healthy, I've never been the skinniest girl, and I've been battling with it most of my life, but I'm not aiming to be skinny anymore. I want to be healthy, strong, and fit. I'm never going to be a size 8 because my frame wasn't built for that, I need to look after my body, that's what's important, not a number on a label or a dial on the bathroom floor. Because it's not a meaningless number that tell's you you're beautiful, it's yourself .
Self care, I'm not good at this, I don't think about how things I do will affect myself, this year I want to put myself first, in a variety of ways, I want to ask myself if I'm comfortable in certain situations, and I want to think with both my head and heart.
I also want to get out of bed more. Clean my room more. Look after myself more. Make my hair pretty, have more baths, paint my nails, do face masks!
Happiness, it's odd that this is even something that needs to be worked on! Happiness should be a natural feeling that everyone feels more often than other emotions. Yet we all know that's not how the 21st century rolls. I just wanna be around people who make me smile more often. But also, I want to make myself happy. I've spent my entire life putting my happiness in other people -boys, friends, family. And every one of them left me. I need to find my own happiness and stop depending on other people.
Work, okay, the serious stuff. I'm 18, I need to look after myself! I need to be out there in the world, so I can earn money to do all these things I want to do! And.... I have one! I have a job! Kind of. I won't go into detail because I won't jinx this for myself. I am terrified! But this is where I know 2016 will be great. Because I've finally overcome my biggest hurdle. All I need to do is remain calm, and keep going until I'm no longer scared. That is the key to my happiness.
Travel/Do things I wanna do, with me having a job I can finally be my elope self. I can disappear for a weekend and say "Oh I decided to go water rafting in Wales" I can visit London! I can spend as many days as I want by the sea! I have freedom, I want so much out of this world, and I deserve to milk it for every penny. Is that how the saying goes? I'm not sure, but you get what I'm trying to say.
Make more of an effort with friends, I'm a closed off person. I love being surrounded by people, but I'm too closed off to fully let them into my life. Since leaving college, leaving a whole group of amazing friends, I made no effort to stay in contact with them.. Because I shut myself away. However I'm still friends with them because they make an effort every so often. Right now, I'm really trying and I'm building back up friendships that mean a lot to me. And in this new year I want to really reach out and I want to actually see them again! It's been 7 months so far without seeing them.. and I want to change that before the gap gets too long.
Be a better daughter and sister, words inspired by Tyler Joseph. I'm not an awful sibling/offspring, but I can be distant, I've shut myself away completely these last few months, I can be snappy with my brother and I can drive my mum nuts because I'm so lazy. I want to be a better person, and by doing that you have start by creating a strong foundation, "foundation" being Home.
College, this isn't a definite thing yet. But it's for a dream, and it's a dream worth chasing. So even if nothing comes of it, I need to know I tried. Because "trying" isn't something I'm good at. Like I said, my dreams rarely leave my bedroom. (I didn't mean that to be a pun, which I've just realised it is.. my bedroom is where I do all my thinking..)
Finally, my blog, my blog is just where I chat, and post things. But I love writing, and I'm thinking of making it a more serious thing. I wrote in more detail in my "2016 blog goals" post.
That seems like a lot of resolutions, but it's not really, it's just about being a better version of myself. Plus this year is my year, and I want to make sure I achieve lots of things.
I saw a quote on Tumblr which I really love. It goes
Which kinda ruins this post, I was supposed to summarise how last year's resolutions went then talk about my new ones. (last year's post is simply called "2015" which you can find in the search bar on my blog because I'm too lazy to link it)
To quickly conclude, I succeeded in all my resolutions.
This year is an important year for me. I'm not one who really sees new year's as a new year.. It's just another day on this concept we live our lives by, called "time".
But this year, I need a fresh start, I need to think that last year is wrapped up and done. I need closure to move forward.
This year is going to be the most challenging year of my life, because I have to push myself. I'm constantly dreaming, constantly saying "oh yeah, I could do this, and this, and then this, and then my life will be perfect!" but these ideas never leave my bed, it's time to start living out these things I constantly say I'm going to do. And I'm terrified. And it's going to really push my limits.
But anything's better than living in my bedroom like I have been doing.
There's a lot of things I want -need (without putting immense pressure on myself) to do this next year, and if I succeed it should be the best year I've ever had.
So these are my resolutions/plans for 2016.
Starting with basics: Get healthy, I've never been the skinniest girl, and I've been battling with it most of my life, but I'm not aiming to be skinny anymore. I want to be healthy, strong, and fit. I'm never going to be a size 8 because my frame wasn't built for that, I need to look after my body, that's what's important, not a number on a label or a dial on the bathroom floor. Because it's not a meaningless number that tell's you you're beautiful, it's yourself .
Self care, I'm not good at this, I don't think about how things I do will affect myself, this year I want to put myself first, in a variety of ways, I want to ask myself if I'm comfortable in certain situations, and I want to think with both my head and heart.
I also want to get out of bed more. Clean my room more. Look after myself more. Make my hair pretty, have more baths, paint my nails, do face masks!
Happiness, it's odd that this is even something that needs to be worked on! Happiness should be a natural feeling that everyone feels more often than other emotions. Yet we all know that's not how the 21st century rolls. I just wanna be around people who make me smile more often. But also, I want to make myself happy. I've spent my entire life putting my happiness in other people -boys, friends, family. And every one of them left me. I need to find my own happiness and stop depending on other people.
Work, okay, the serious stuff. I'm 18, I need to look after myself! I need to be out there in the world, so I can earn money to do all these things I want to do! And.... I have one! I have a job! Kind of. I won't go into detail because I won't jinx this for myself. I am terrified! But this is where I know 2016 will be great. Because I've finally overcome my biggest hurdle. All I need to do is remain calm, and keep going until I'm no longer scared. That is the key to my happiness.
Travel/Do things I wanna do, with me having a job I can finally be my elope self. I can disappear for a weekend and say "Oh I decided to go water rafting in Wales" I can visit London! I can spend as many days as I want by the sea! I have freedom, I want so much out of this world, and I deserve to milk it for every penny. Is that how the saying goes? I'm not sure, but you get what I'm trying to say.
Make more of an effort with friends, I'm a closed off person. I love being surrounded by people, but I'm too closed off to fully let them into my life. Since leaving college, leaving a whole group of amazing friends, I made no effort to stay in contact with them.. Because I shut myself away. However I'm still friends with them because they make an effort every so often. Right now, I'm really trying and I'm building back up friendships that mean a lot to me. And in this new year I want to really reach out and I want to actually see them again! It's been 7 months so far without seeing them.. and I want to change that before the gap gets too long.
Be a better daughter and sister, words inspired by Tyler Joseph. I'm not an awful sibling/offspring, but I can be distant, I've shut myself away completely these last few months, I can be snappy with my brother and I can drive my mum nuts because I'm so lazy. I want to be a better person, and by doing that you have start by creating a strong foundation, "foundation" being Home.
College, this isn't a definite thing yet. But it's for a dream, and it's a dream worth chasing. So even if nothing comes of it, I need to know I tried. Because "trying" isn't something I'm good at. Like I said, my dreams rarely leave my bedroom. (I didn't mean that to be a pun, which I've just realised it is.. my bedroom is where I do all my thinking..)
Finally, my blog, my blog is just where I chat, and post things. But I love writing, and I'm thinking of making it a more serious thing. I wrote in more detail in my "2016 blog goals" post.
That seems like a lot of resolutions, but it's not really, it's just about being a better version of myself. Plus this year is my year, and I want to make sure I achieve lots of things.
I saw a quote on Tumblr which I really love. It goes
"I'm coming for everything I deserve in 2016"
I like it because sometimes you have to decide to do things for yourself. It's okay to be selfish, and it's okay to tell yourself what you deserve.
Shaan x
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