Currently Listening To...

I'm trying to get back into blogging so bad, I don't know why I physically can't do it, I've had busy start to the year, constantly doing things, working, not working, being at home and not doing anything but still somehow being busy... But today I've had a really good day, it's been fairly warm, very sunny and I've got lots done. I went down to the park I'm always posting about for the first time since last summer and it was so nice to be back. Then I got some housework done and listened to summer-happy songs, and it's a Monday so I can talk excitedly on my blog about these songs. Because Mondays are -or are supposed to be, Currently Listening To's. Love - Lana Del Rey , I've never been able to get into Lana Del Rey, I've tried and tried but just cannot connect with her music. However I'm always going back just in case something changes. And this time something did, I adore this song! It makes me feel like a cool 80s teen (all ...