2018 - What a Year

It's finally come round to my favourite posts to write! The end of year ones, yes it may technically be a week overdue but I've been with family and only just picked my laptop up today from my student house, whoops.

2018 has been the weirdest year of my life and I so badly wish I could have said it was my favourite year because it's been so big and successful and so much good came from it. But so much bad did too, and the bad ruled way too many of the months in 2018. However looking back, and through the photos I'm about to attach to this post, it really was a great year for me, even the huge wallop of stress I've had towards the end has been such a good learning curve and a base for me to grow so much more in 2019. I'm feeling so positive about this new year.
Here are my photos and things I got up to in 2018.

The year started with a whole night of partying, getting home at 6:30 in the morning after what was supposed to just be a few drinks down the local with my friend and his family.

The year involved lots of cocktails, including this celebratory one I had the day I was given my offer from my top uni choice.

I had a total of 4 new exciting piercings in 2018 (I had to stop because I wasn't sure on what I was allowed as a nurse)

I went on the most amazing ice cream date with one of my besties

My little brother was a part of flag bearing on loads of football matches. The best photo I've ever taken.

I tried new and exciting food, this was the first time I'd eaten calamari, halloumi and prawns with the shell on still.

I had an amazing holiday in Spain within a beautiful mountainous area.

My doggo, who has debuted a few times on this blog with our walks, unexpectedly fell ill and passed away while we were on holiday. One of the worst types of hurt I've ever felt.

I started university studying for my dream career and I have my first induction tomorrow at a hospital for my first placement.

I spent a lot of time at the gym, and got very excited at my booty gains, and see through leggings.

I had the funniest date of my entire life in a trampoline park.

And another trampoline day earlier on in the year.

As always, 2018 was full of cute walks.

I had lots of girly sleepovers with wine and Netflix, and on this occasion matching pj shorts.

We had the hottest summer in years and so many ice cream best friend dates.

So. Many. Brunches.

The most beautiful aeroplane view.

One of my most favourite days, we had a boat ride around the mountains and the most blue sea I'd ever seen, I got to swim around in the ocean and it was genuinely the most surreal experience of my life. 
Also, sea hair for life.

I took 100s of sunset photos as I always do.

We had lots of fireworks nights around guy fawkes night.

This was one of my favourite days, we went mini golfing in the coolest place which also sells cocktails in red beer cups I had such a good time with the best company a girl could ask for.

More cute little walks by lakes.

We took our first long awaited awkward couple photo on my birthday, this guy has been my rock this year.


We went on so many summer picnics this year with friends which is actually a really underrated thing to do, we have some of the best memories from those days. This one was taken just after I'd got back off of holiday and was a freckly little beast. But I love how absolutely chuffed I am in this photo to be seeing my friends again after two weeks.

I also spent my 21st with my gem of a sister who always knows how to show me a good time.

I went on many meals out with this little one.

I went to my first pride festival in 2018 which was another huge highlight of the year, I was so in my zone the whole day.

It was definitely the year of candid photos, our first beach day when we had the first little wave of hot weather and decided just to get out of here and forget about college stress for a while.

I had booked so many concerts I sadly couldn't make but I got to see this really cool gig with a bestie.

Then we had Christmas as festivities and family time where I forgot about all the stress 2018 has been and just chilled out through to the new year.

Happy New Year!

Shan x


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