Goals For 2019

My start to 2019 has been one kick in the teeth after another. I'm hoping it's just everything slotting into place and everything will soon be smooth running but my god I am tired of fighting losing battles everyday. But it's reminded me to do my 2019 goals post because I'm trying so hard to have a good year this year, get everything back on track with my life and work hard to get where I want to get.

My last years resolutions were to keep up with the gym, which I did. I even had a personal training session this year which left me hobbling for over a week, I learnt to lift which I'm still terrified to do but love it. I wanted to be in a bikini by summer which I did! I wasn't where I wanted to be weight wise but I felt good enough to be in a bikini on holiday!
I also wanted to take at least one driving lesson, I almost did however decided against it. Driving just isn't for me right now and that's okay. I felt the pressure of having to drive because I'm legal to and it's just part of life, but it's really not my thing, definitely not right now.
I was so determined to get my first tattoo, again I nearly did, I booked it but had to rearrange about three times before eventually deciding against it for now. And I tried again towards the end of the year but focused my money on Christmas presents instead. But I am planning on it with my next student loan.
Managing my money better was a practical goal I was in desperate need of, and I'm writing this post with £2 to my name, no idea when my next loan drops and a student overdraft completely milked. So, I wouldn't say I managed to accomplish that one. Oops.
I wanted to enjoy spending time with my friends and continue to make new ones. Friends was a huge issue for me in 2018, I lost a lot of them through changes in everyones lives and too many became friends I've seen once or twice. But I've also learnt who is true to me and found myself more surrounded than I thought I was when everything went wrong for me.
I wanted to continue to love life and be more patient with my little brother. Our relationship has improved a lot this year, I obviously love him to pieces he's just the little-annoying-brother age and my constant moaning and shouting at him made me feel less than I should. My 'love for life' disintegrated entirely.

My new goals for this year are going to be the hardest ones yet to achieve because I struggled a lot and have a lot to achieve this year.

1, Starting lightly, my bloody tattoo! I will get it this year!

2, To not give up. There is so much that is so difficult at the moment and all I want to do is give up and wipe the slate clean but I'm daring to push myself through it and keep going. As someone reminded me, the reason I am who I am and the reason I'm so strong is because I never give up. Never have done no matter what is thrown at me. And it really stuck with me. 

3, To ask for help. I'm such a proud person and through the events of last year it has become very apparent that I really needed to let my guard down and just ask for a little help from people.

4, As always, the gym! I want to get toned this year and even set myself a goal of having a more toned torso/abs.

5, To learn to love life again, life is a bitch but there is so much out life out there to be had and I want to do more new things and find my happiness again. If anything this is all I need to achieve this year.

Shan x


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