
Showing posts from April, 2020

Bored in quarantine? This is what I'm doing...

We made it through three weeks. And now we have another three weeks to make it through as well. I'm doing okay actually, it's been hard not seeing all my friends but phone calls and group chats have been really amazing also. The weather has been beautiful, I'm definitely well rested, been working on myself a lot, it's almost been great - considering the circumstances.  I wanted to write a post today on some things you can do to help pass the time, as we have had three weeks to exhaust all of our spring cleaning and Netflix binges and bread making. Now is where it starts getting really boring. So I've written a list of some big things to do and another one for some little boredom busters when you are actually bored off your tits and need something to do. ~ Photo taken from a walk the other day ~ - Make some life goals. I feel like being stuck inside seems to have made a lot of people realise how precious the outside world is and inspired people to want to ...

How and why you should start meditation NOW

So I kinda wanted to talk about meditation and mindfulness today. I'm not amazing at either of these things, but they're things I've been adopting into my life for the past three months, and feel that now is just about the perfect time to start being a bit more mindful about yourself and your surroundings with what is going on in the world. So what do these terms mean? Mindfulness is taking a step back to realise how you are feeling and thinking in a moment. Sometimes we get so caught up in whisking ourselves of our feet with distractions and "things to do" that we don't stop for a second to check in on ourselves and our feelings. Meditation is the practice of using mindfulness to focus and redirect your thoughts, which comes with a whole bunch of benefits. Benefits of meditation and mindfulness: - Reduces stress, as well as stress related illnesses like IBS, PTSD and fibromyalgia. - Reduces anxiety, helping with anxiety disorders, OCD and panic attack...

Hi, I like sunflowers

I like sunflowers The colour yellow always makes me happy The sea is my favourite sound And smell And place I like cuddles with my cats And feeding farm animals Candles are my favourite gift A cup of tea is the best peace offering I love too hard I bite off more than I can chew My dreams are always huge I like public affection The version of me that is happy in the sun is the best version of me I'm always dancing I have a plethora of notebooks And endless shelves of books waiting to be read I take photographs of everything Own way too many shoes And listen to music at way too high a volume Fluffy socks overtake my drawers As well as Disney pjs and novelty underwear I  wear dungarees all the time And I love dinosaurs I'm a very simple person with a very complicated heart I sulk too much and Can never apologise first I get hurt too easy And find it easier to walk away Sometimes I switch off and disappear for days on end There's a lot of d...

Hidden Gems of Leicester: A photo diary

Throwing something a little different out today. I used to do these kind of posts all the time, go on a cute walk, take lots of photos and whip them up on the blog. Being in quarantine has meant I can't go out for dinners and coffees or to my usual hang abouts to pass the time, which has resulted in me using my hour allowance of exercise each day to make sure I'm going out and seeing anything other than the four walls of my house. There's a field with a bridge that I have been driving past and admiring for years, wanting more than anything just to take some cute photos of the bridge. A few days ago on one of my walks I finally found the entrance to the field, and today, and went through it. It was the most beautiful place I've ever found near my house. There's three bridges over a brook that runs through the field, there's a small (kind of) waterfall, a few ducks, and the whole thing is just so beautiful. I am going to be having the most extra picnics there ...