Mother's day

I'm sure you're all aware that mother's day is in 4 days time (depending on what country you live in), so today I went shopping to buy my mum some gifts. Normally my mum tends to get candles, chocolates, and girly bath supplies but this year year I wanted to be a bit more personal and buy her things I know she wants. The presents I have bought aren't huuugely special and expensive because my mum doesn't need £300 spending on her to know she's loved haha. I started off in boots, because she's been after this foundation for quite a while now, she's really not a makeup person but she's slowly starting to get more interested in it so I thought she'd really be happy with this. But like the idiot I am, I didn't realise that, I have know idea what shade to choose from... luckily she is a similar shade to me just slightly more tanned, so I finally decided on a colour which makes my skin looks slightly browner... It's safe to say I probably loo...