Currently Listening To...

Well I can honestly say this 'series' type thing has gone down the pan already... and by the second week. It's a day late and I haven't been listening to that much new music but I do have something to post about new songs so I guess that counts for something...

Somethings Gotta Give - All Time Low  Starting with the now-not-so recent single by ATL, I'm not a huge fan of them because I haven't heard much from them, but it's a band I've been meaning to get into so after liking this song maybe next week I'll have a bit more to say about them...

I'm still loving the Fall Out Boy album, but the highlight music this week has been the American idiot album by Greenday. Last week I said I liked Boulevard of Broken Dreams and then I saw their album in the shops and couldn't not buy it. It's now become my favourite album and they're all I've really listened to all week some of my favourites are:

Jesus of Suburbia - Greenday 

Holiday - Greenday

Letterbomb - Greenday

21 Guns - Greenday This isn't on the American Idiot album but 21st Century Breakdown, however this is my all time favourite song right now I listen to it like 5 times a day (probably more) it's definitely my favourite song of the week. I feel like that's repetitive but I always gush about favourite songs so its bound to make zero sense haha.

So that's what I've been listening to this week, my post last week about music seemed to be a hit which was a relief because I was very reserved about posting it so I'm definitely going to be keeping this up.

Shan x


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