
On Friday night, I was suddenly hit with the travel bug, and I spent hours on the internet looking at pictures of people who have traveled places. Travelling the world has been my biggest dream since I was old enough to know there was more than just England, as a result I stayed up until 3am mentally planning my world roadtrip. The idea of hiring a classic camper van and just hitting the road with a suitcase, a camera and my best friend is so appealing. I want to experience every culture and I want to visit every part of the world. My two biggest travel dreams is to tour America and tour Europe, in this post I'm going to speak about the things I want to experience on an American tour. (visiting every state is automatically included) (I'm going to sound extremely touristy)

California, I'd dreamed for years about living in LA, everything about the place seems perfect; the beaches, palm trees, the weather, the clothes, the food, the city, the mountainous kind of areas. It has the best of every world. San Francisco is another place within Cali I want to go to, it's more city based and I have an insane crush on cities.

New York, the best place in the world for city lovers, I've been in love with NY since being a child I always wanted to be one of those posh Chanel women who run an important company in the Big Apple. But now as I'm older I like the kinda of savvy side of NY, the hidden streets and more artsy side of it that is rarely shown to the world.

Texas, the word 'Texas' alone is just one of those satisfying words to say. I feel like this state the place of your stereotypical American, the howdy cowboy people (not that they actually are like that). I want to visit this place to go to your typical burger joint and buy the biggest burger to eat because then I'll feel like I'm truly in America.

Seattle, I don't know much about Seattle at all, it's a common hometown for characters in books and I guess the place just really appeals to me.

Chicago, another beautiful city with beautiful buildings and a big shiny bean... I really want to go and see a Broadway there as I feel like that's what Chicago is most notorious for.

Washington, I'm not a politics person at all but I know it's such an important part of America, most Brits like to stay away from parliament as it doesn't interest a lot of us and we're generally quite un-patriotic. Whereas America seems such a proud country, like people carry such pride of who they are. The white-house is a place I want to experience because it's just such an important landmark of America.

South Dakota, this is the place of mount Rushmore where the four presidents' heads from previous leaderships are carved into the mountain. As said before, patriotism (that is a word) is strong in America and this mountain is seen as an important memorial of American history.

Arizona, Arizona is a beautiful place and the weather is perfect -probably too hot for my poor pale skin but I'm sure I'll be drowning in sunscreen anyway. The reason behind Arizona is the Grand Canyon I want to explore it so much it looks amazing.

Vegas baby! I doubt I'll ever be cool enough to be able to sit at a poker table until four in the morning getting rich but going into a casino and -even if it's basic slot machines- it just has to be done. Also the whole, 'getting so drunk you did the strangest things and swam with a crocodile and got married to a tiger' blah blah, it just has to be done.

There is soooo many places but I've just realised this has become a monster of a post..
I don't know if I'll post tomorrow or Saturday because I'm spending valentine's day with a friend. We're going to krispy kreme (which has just opened for the first time in -I think- England) and we're going to stuff our faces with donuts and talk about our famous boyfriends who are in a band (as well as our imagination), and we're going to do lots of shopping. I'm SO excited!

Shan x


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