Valentine's Day
This post has been a long time coming. Four days late... Okay so maybe not a long time coming.
I wanted to post this earlier on in the day but I happened to be dealing with an intense situation and my life fell apart momentarily -but I needed to remind myself to stay strong, keep my head up and be an independent woman. What I say goes, I choose who I have and who I don't have in my life and I need to be comfortable with cutting off attachments with people who do nothing for my life in a beneficial way. I need to learn to be my own person, I need to gain confidence within myself to say "you know what, I don't need you. I need me and I need my own happiness."
That's a bit of a personal thing to share but I felt like it fit with Valentine's day quite a bit. On the run up to Valentine's my social media was crammed with single girls getting themselves down because they didn't have anyone to spend Valentine's day with and a lot of people were saying how 'ridiculous' the holiday is. Me personally, has never had a guy to spend Valentine's with, but I don't think people need to. I love Valentine's day, it's a fun day to wear red lipstick and pamper yourself. For me it's a day to be appreciative of myself. And if you don't have a guy or a girl to be with, it doesn't matter! Have a girly day with friends, have a snuggle day with your mum, or take time to yourself to watch Netflix or read a book. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for the days to come where I will have a guy I can spoil and go out for a meal with...
But until that time, I'm enjoying myself by being myself and having fun with my friends and my family, and treating me right.
That being said -in a fairly odd way, here's what I got up on Valentine's day (with my best friend)

Shaan x
I wanted to post this earlier on in the day but I happened to be dealing with an intense situation and my life fell apart momentarily -but I needed to remind myself to stay strong, keep my head up and be an independent woman. What I say goes, I choose who I have and who I don't have in my life and I need to be comfortable with cutting off attachments with people who do nothing for my life in a beneficial way. I need to learn to be my own person, I need to gain confidence within myself to say "you know what, I don't need you. I need me and I need my own happiness."
That's a bit of a personal thing to share but I felt like it fit with Valentine's day quite a bit. On the run up to Valentine's my social media was crammed with single girls getting themselves down because they didn't have anyone to spend Valentine's day with and a lot of people were saying how 'ridiculous' the holiday is. Me personally, has never had a guy to spend Valentine's with, but I don't think people need to. I love Valentine's day, it's a fun day to wear red lipstick and pamper yourself. For me it's a day to be appreciative of myself. And if you don't have a guy or a girl to be with, it doesn't matter! Have a girly day with friends, have a snuggle day with your mum, or take time to yourself to watch Netflix or read a book. Don't get me wrong, I'm excited for the days to come where I will have a guy I can spoil and go out for a meal with...
But until that time, I'm enjoying myself by being myself and having fun with my friends and my family, and treating me right.
That being said -in a fairly odd way, here's what I got up on Valentine's day (with my best friend)
I'm really stupid for not rotating this before uploading... ah wells, we started the day at McDonalds
What I wore ft a really dusty mirror -tut tut maccas bathrooms.

Shaan x
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