99 Quick Fire Questions - Know My Secrets!
I've been writing this post for the past four days and it's just not getting done, I didn't realise writing out and answering 99 questions wasn't going to be an easy thing to do. So I'm quickly finishing it off as today is the last day I'm going to be able to post for a few days. Tomorrow is going to be hectic! It's the last day of prepping and packing ready for ROWYSO, I'm packing a bit now but I can't until everything is out of the wash (our washing machine broke so I haven't been able to do washing until today when the new one came). I have this thing where when I go away for a few days I like to come back to a perfect room, so I need to clean it thoroughly, which I'm trying to do now. I then need to shower to wash out the remaining bleach in my hair (I'm part way through going lilac right now) There's a lot of things I need to do, and then I'm going round my friends because I'm sleeping hers Friday where she's going to finish my hair, and do more prepping for the weekend -just general getting everything together for the hotel. Then I'm going Birmingham for the weekend. So I won't post for the weekend, but I'll be filming for a vlog I'm going to put up, and then I'm sure there'll be a bombardment of posts when I come back. And then lots and lots of college work to finish off. I finally handed in my level three application today.
So the post, I was scrolling on Tumblr -now four days ago, and I came across someone doing a question thing and as I read down them all I really wanted to answer them all so I thought I'd put them in a blog post. The questions are all very 'best friend gossip sesh' and a bit personal so here goes...
So the post, I was scrolling on Tumblr -now four days ago, and I came across someone doing a question thing and as I read down them all I really wanted to answer them all so I thought I'd put them in a blog post. The questions are all very 'best friend gossip sesh' and a bit personal so here goes...
- Think of the last person who said 'I love you' do you think they meant it? Yeah.
- Would you date an 18 year old the age you are now? Yes.
- When was the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time? I literally have no idea.. I don't remember ever feeling like that..
- Would you ever smile at a stranger? Everyday.
- Is there someone mad because you are dating/texting someone you are? Nope.
- Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? Yes, but in a good way because it reminded me of someone -who is a huge ass, but it was good memories.
- What exactly are you wearing right now? Levi shorts, sports bra, kimono.. it's really hot today.
- How often do you listen to music? preeetty much 24/7
- Do you wear jeans or sweats more? Jeans!!!
- Do you think your life will change drastically before 2016? Probably not, but I'm gonna remain optimistic and say I hope so...
- Are you social or anti-social? Inside my head I'm really social but in reality I'm as anti-social as they come.
- Have you ever been kissed by someone whose name begins with an 'A'? *looks down at the ground* maybe a little bit yes..
- What about 'R'? Nope.
- Can you drive a stick shift? I will soon...
- Do you care if people talk badly about you? YES!! And I HATE it!
- Are you going out of town soon? 2 days baby!
- When was the last time you cried? Today, we laughed so hard in college we were all reduced to sobs of tears.
- Have you ever told someone you love them? Who hasn't though?
- If you could change your eye colour would you? I'd love to have green eyes. Really, really nice green eyes destroy my soul and I love them. But I don't know if I could give up my eyes for them.. I'd get bored and then green eyes wouldn't be my favourite anymore.
- Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for? There used to be.. Now it's just my brother.
- Name something you dislike about the day you're having? College was stressful, and I'm so tired my back has gone.
- Is it cute when guys kiss you on the forehead? Ummm...I don't know, I don't generally like foreheads. Kisses are cute when it's inside your hair like on the top of your head, but I don''t see that being a pleasurable experience on the guys behalf.. They're cute if it's a relationship blog on Tumblr. In real life, I'm not a big forehead person..
- Are you dating the last person you talked to? ...Um, seeing as the last person I spoke to was my mum...
- What are you sitting on right now? My bed -AKA heaven..
- Does anyone regularly, aside from family, tell you they love you? Not in a romantic way, but yes in a friendship way. But it's not a daily or even weekly basis thing..
- Have you ever wanted someone you couldn't have? YES!! And it tears you to pieces! Especially when they're there every day and they accidentally touch you in lesson or ask to borrow your pen or whisper you the correct answer or.. stare at you in lessons...ugh! Also when they play in a band and tour the world and don't know who you really are other than another twitter follower... That hurts too.
- Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night? My best friend.
- Do you get a lot of colds?
- Where is the shirt you are wearing from? I'm not wearing one.. my kimono is from Boohoo.
- Does anyone hate you? Can I re-use that GIF? Haha, I'm actually not sure.. I've had a lot of arguments with a lot of people, but I don't know if anyone actually -actually yes!! My dad's girlfriend does!
- Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room? I would if I had a death wish!? I'm underage, have no reason to drink in my room, and my mum would skin me alive with her bare hands if she saw it.
- Do you like watching scary movies? I like to think I do.. but I actually. They scare the living sh*t outta me. I'm scarred for life after watching paranormal activity 3 however many years ago.
- Do you want your tongue pierced? I have done for years, but on some people it looks really trashy, and others it looks really good. I'd end up looking really trashy, and it puts me off because I go through stages of liking it and not liking it. Also I'd never have the balls to do it.
- If you had to delete a year of your life completely what year would it be? This is really hard because I believe every situation leads to another situation which leads to another etc etc.. So if I erased a year I hated, it meant I never went through that, which means I never learnt my lesson, I never met the people I met when I came out of that situation, and ended up not being friends with the people I'm friends with today... So probably one of my baby years where my life and decisions were out of my control.
- Did you have a dream last night? YES AND IT WAS AMAZING! I dreamt of my wedding day (weird), and as I walked down the isle they changed the song to 'river flows in you' which is one of the best things ever created in the music world. It's so beautiful and it means a lot to me. So when my 'to-be husband' played this song for me it was the best thing ever. And we wrote our own vows and mine were so, so amazing that I was crying and it was a really beautiful day. But I can lucid dream so I had control of what was happening and it felt so real. Which is why dreams really hit me, I feel them like it happened in real life.
- When was the last time you told someone you loved them? A few weeks ago I think.
- Do you think you'll be married in the next 5 years? I will be 22 then, so probably not oh my God haha..
- Do you think someone has feelings for you? There are no males that have any involvement in my life so most definitely not.
- Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? I doubt it..
- Did you have a good day yesterday? Well, my teacher outed me in front of the whole class when I was the only person willing to help her out.. others got angry and stormed off, and when I helped out (tired and ill may I point out) apparently I wasn't good enough, and got shouted at rather ridiculously.. the people who left the class didn't even get mentioned soo.. BUT it was a good day I guess.
- Think back two months ago, were you in a relationship? Hahaha hahaha ahaha ahaha ah aha ha no.
- In the next 48 hours will you hang out with a girl? Hell yeah! Tomorrow is when my official ROWYSO experience starts!
- Has anyone ever told you they don't want to lose you? Actually yeah.. And they mean it.
- What's the best part about school? You get to leave after you do your exams.
- Do you have any pictures on your Facebook? I have loooads of pictures on my Facebook. But I was never one of them girls who had a folder of photos titled 'me :)' and fill it with 300 selfies. (there are people who did that. 300.) But I haven't been on Facebook since 2013 or something.. my profile picture is of me with braces on, as is my wall photo (if it's even called a wall photo anymore)
- Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school? No! I never did this and I always wanted to! I passed notes on to other people and I felt like I'd served a great duty to the public each time, but I never did any myself.
- Do you ever replay things that have happened in your head? It haunts me every night.
- Were you single over last summer? These questions are really starting to depress me haha, yes I was. Because last summer Will Smith, Ryan Gosling, Zac Efron, and hundreds of other Gods were the only boyfriends I needed.
- Is your life anything like it was 2 years ago? No and thank the lord! I've finally found myself real friends and real family and without realising I've never been happier in myself.
- What are you supposed to be doing right now? Sleeping.
- Are you nice to everyone? I try to be, and I'm always to nice and that;s my problem in life. I forgive too easily because I give in to people and I physically can't be horrible to someone I don't like if they're being nice to me. However, I'm not going to lie, I have quite a short temper. I'm reasonable and I'm not horrible! But I'm very defensive over family, friends and myself -and if I have the courage to, I know how to stand up for myself (and others when they need me).
- Have you ever liked someone you didn't expect to? Yes, I've never liked 'popular' boys or 'nice' boys. But I fell -hard! For a really popular boy who was loved by everyone (kind of your typical American jock kinda guy) and he was the nicest person I've met so far. Normally 'popular' boys are d*cks (sorry) I don't mean to swear but that is the only way to describe the typical boys I've grown to know. But he was nice! He was clever, and sporty, and lovely to look at, he was one of those who just had everything and he was perfect in every single way possible. And since the day we met I just.. you just aren't left with much of a choice, your feelings jump right in there.. Head first.
- Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? Um. Yes!? I could never cheat on anyone, it's so wrong.
- Are you good at hiding your feelings? I'm good at hiding them from myself, I can have a build up of emotions and explode one day and be sad about things I didn't even know had bothered me. But when I hear something that upsets me then I let it out. I'm not someone who hides my feelings from people because I'd rather get it out and get over it than keep it to myself because it just makes things 10x worse.
- Do you think you like someone? Other than Michael Clifford?
- Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with a'J'? It was the most awkward situation of my life..
- Do you prefer to have friends who are girls or boys? I've never kept a boy friendship without ending up with real feelings for them.. I'm one of those girls who can't do it. Not to say it couldn't happen in the future.. and I do prefer guys to girls any day.
- Has anyone of your fiends seen you cry? I used to cry a looot in high school because I hated the place so much and I'd always run to my friends to cry because they were my confidence.
- Do you hate anyone? This is hard, I hate to hate people because all it does it create negativity in your life and everyone has enough stress and negativity without the added effort of having to hate someone. They are not affected by your feelings in the slightest. And you always hate yourself when you laugh at one of their jokes by accident or automatically smile at them in the corridor before realising who they are. And then there's the twitter and instagram stalking. Hating someone takes a lot of effort.. do I hate anyone? I think so yes.
- How's your heart? No one has ever come close to it.. so I'd say undisturbed and barricaded.
- Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about? Yes, I have some pretty complicated family issues and telling the story brings up a lot of anger, and with nothing really making sense it's hard to tell the story and no one really understands.. because no one on the inside understands enough to tell the story in a way that makes any sense.
- Have you ever cried over a guy? Oh God yes. And it's because they were treating me like sh*t and I was too smitten to notice, I thought at the time I was crying because I was 'in love' when really I'd just had enough.
- Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now? A lot of people could be, but only if I, by strange coincidence, came up in conversation. I have nothing to do with people like that anymore so if anyone was, they'd be holding onto some grudge!
- Are your toenails painted pink? This made me laugh.. no they're not.
- Will your next kiss be a mistake? I have this new motto in life where I'm only going for guys I really want, but let's be honest everything is a mistake in my life so it probably will be.
- Girls love it when boyfriends cry; correct? Oh my God, YES!! I'm obsessed with the film seven pounds at the scene where Will Smith starts crying because they're about to kiss and he isn't going to stop himself because he likes her, even though he can't like her. Since then my life goal is to have a 'crying kiss' because it just looks so beautiful.
- Have your pants ever fallen down in public? Surprisingly no, but I did walk round high school with my skirt tucked into my pants.. and someone pulled my skirt down at McDonalds once (as a joke)
- Who was the last person you were on the phone with? My mum.
- How do you look right now ? A mess.
- Do you have someone you can be your complete self around? My mum. She knows eeeverything! And I'm getting there with my best friend.
- Can you commit to one person? Yes yes yes yes.
- Do you have someone of the opposite sex you tell everything to? No.
- Have you ever felt replaced? Too many times by too many people.
- Did you wake up cranky? No haha.
- Are you a jealous person? Yes but I don't want to be and I hate it.
- Are relationships ever worth it? Always! Even if they don't work out they are always learning curves and new opportunities explored.
- Anyone your giving up on? Band members.
- Name something you have to do tomorrow? Packing.
- Is there someone you'll never forget? I have a very good memory of people and faces so everyone I've ever met really.. But no one in particular.
- Do you think the person you have feelings for is protective over you? I don't have feelings for anyone.
- If the person you wish to be with were with you right now what would you be doing? Sleeping.
- Are you over your past? Not yet.
- Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex? Ugh yes.
- Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to? My mum.
- If your first true love came to your door with an apology and presents would you accept? Yeah, because nothing happened between us.
- The last person you kissed just happens to be at your door at 3am, do you let them in? I ain't waking up for no one at 3am. I'd probably sit in bed pooing myself until they went away.
- Have you ever liked someone your friends hated? Yeah, but I didn't know until it was over.
- Will you be in a relationship in two months? Yeah.. probably not.
- Is there anyone you know with the name Michael? THIS IS MY FAVORITE SO FAR! Yes and I'm seeing him live Saturday!
- Have you ever kissed a Matthew? No.
- Were you in a relationship in January & how was it going? No.
- Were you happy with the person you like in March? I didn't like anyone.
- Is the last person you texted attractive? The last person I texted was my mum asking if she'd pick me up from my friends.. I don't feel I can answer this one..
- Who do you have texts from? Most my friends speak to me via social media but I get text's from my mum, my friend Sam, my mobile network, and Domino's pizza.
- If the person you like said they liked someone else what would you do? Play it cool, and be secretly heartbroken.
- Have you ever kissed someone older than you? No, which is weird because I prefer older people.
- Who's in your profile picture with you? Always my best friend.
- Ever kissed under a firework? Never even thought of it.. definitely a new addition to the bucket list.
- Has anybody ever given you butterflies? Yeah, I'm a sucker for butterflies. I used to get them so bad I'd be jiggly and shaky and up to the point I felt chronically sick.
It's now 11:27 and I'm shattered. But it's finally done!
Shaan x
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