Currently Listening To...

It's been a while since putting one of these up. I really haven't listened to a great deal of music, my obsession with We The Kings has resurfaced to an extent level, I haven't listened to much other than Luke Friend the past two days, and then there are bits and bobs of stuff..

Hole In My Heart - Luke Friend, starting with the song I'm listening to right now. This came out ages ago and I didn't even know. Luke Friend was my favourite in the X Factor, I love his voice, he has such a raspiness to it, and we all know how much I love raspy voices. I thought his music would have had a different sound to it than this single does, but I love it and it's been on constant repeat. 
I've been listening to a few of his X Factor performances too, such as:

Run - Luke Friend, my absolute favourite, because the emotion and passion he put into this song is mindblowingly amazing.

Still Haven't found what I'm looking for - Luke Friend

Skinny Love - Luke Friend

I Will Wait - Luke Friend

Robbers - The 1975, this band is loved by sooooo many people, their sound is so strange and it's taken me a while to understand them a bit. But I really like this song, and again, my favourite part is when Matty says "now everybody's deeeaad" Because, raspy voice.

Sweater weather - The Neighbourhood, another band I've been meaning to get into, I listened to a few of their songs after it came up in suggestions when I was listening to Arctic Monkeys, and this song stuck with me more than the others. Again, I find this band has a strange sound, I'm not ooooverly keen, but I do love this song. 

Nine In The Afternoon - Panic! At The Disco, this is such an old song, but at the minute I'm just really loving it and I can't stop listening to it.

Art Of War - We The Kings, here's to the bulk of the post. I don't know if I included this song in the other post I did on my We The Kings obsession, if so, it's being repeated. This song, is beautiful. The lyrics are perfect, and WTK seem to have really inspiring 'keep fighting' lyrics in their songs and they repeat it and repeat it in a really catchy tune so the inspiring lyrics are stuck in your head all day. And that, is a very clever idea. In this song they repeat "I will never fall" which I love because it's so subtly done, it's not straight in your face 'hey! we're a band and our main aim is to be inspiring towards teenagers who are struggling' it's just a little subtle reminder to carry you through the day when the song is stuck in your head.

See You In My Dreams - We The Kings, this song does the same trick, it's subtle but it's at the bridge of the song and the whole tempo, mood, and atmosphere of the song changes and the first time I listened to it, it was such a shock to hear and it blew me away, it really hit me hard and it was the words I really needed to hear right then. The words are "don't give up, I'll never let you, don't give up, I'll never let you, don't give up, I never let you go" and it's just so beautifully written and sung.

Queen Of Hearts - We The Kings, this song is just amazing. The beat is more of a guilty pleasure, but the lyrics are just, perfect. "you're Mona Lisa, I'm Da Vinci" "Your the queen of hearts, make me your king, you be the diamond I got the ring" I just love it.

I Like It - We The Kings, pure pure guilty pleasure! This song is so upbeat and the 'cheeky song' of the album, it's the one that when it comes on your shuffle you just have to stop what you're doing to have a little dance and sing a long.

Say It Now -We The Kings, this is probably one of my most favourite ones at the minute, the lyrics are so perfectly written. The song paints this image into my head of the singer, Travis (I know he's actually married), taking a girl out and just laying with her looking at the sky all day and through to the night, he loves her and his emotions are driving him crazy, he needs her to explode with her emotions and tell him everything she feels about him before he, himself explodes. It's beautiful. And I freaking love the chorus "tell me it hurts, tell me it burns, tell me it's love and that you're ready to fall, into my arms, or into the ground, it's lost or it's found whatever you need to say, say it now" I'm in a really soppy mood this week and things like this are just killing me. I really like the African kind of vibes they put into the song as well, they are amazing.

I always say I haven't listened to much and then proceed to list a ton of songs.. there's more here than I thought there would be.

Shaan x


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