A Weekend In Birmingham With 5sos
Title maaay be a little bit misleading... ahh I'm so excited to be writing this post!!!!!!!!! I've been waiting since before we even went.. This is going to be a very emotional post, the post concert depression has been a real issue this week, going into detail about everything that happened is going to destroy my soul inside out. It's going to be a fairly long post too. I was going to do separate posts but I only actually have a few pictures of the concert as I was too busy screaming, crying, singing, and having a generally good time. Filming the concert was a challenge in itself and I only recorded a few bits and bobs...
Oooh here we go!!
The day in Birmingham
So we started by waking at half six -very easily I might add. Since when do I happily wake up at 6am? We got ready, typically ending up leaving late. We made our 1 hour trip to Birmingham listening to a playlist of only the best songs.. Chance would have it Unpredictable came on, which is one of 5sos' fetus songs in which they sing about taking on the world, as we're on the way to an arena to see four boys from Sydney it really touches your heart to know that they did take on the world.
When we arrived in Birmingham me and my best friend, Chloe, had the excitement reach us.. we were in the back of the car as hyperactive as you get and making all sorts of inhumane noises. Soon realising the window was open as a man walking past outside said "what the hell was that?" Awks.
I'm waffling already. We couldn't check into the hotel until 2pm so we headed to the bullring (which is a huge shopping center, I think it's equivalent to America's 'malls') where we went straight to Forever 21, as there isn't one where we live. I made my first Forever 21 purchase which was a red bandana for the concert. (At every concert the fans like to make projects to make every concert special, for our one we wore bandanas the colour according to our favourite in the band -I'm a strong strong Mikey girl, so mine was red)
Round the bullring were lots of fans of 5sos wearing all their merch, me and my friend were squealing at every fan, I feel like we made tons of new friends but in reality we were too scared to say hi to any of them..
We went into Claire's on a hunt for another bandana for Chloe, where a staff member came up to us and asked if we were looking for a green bandana because they'd all sold out, she said "every girl with a 5sos shirt on today has taken the green bandanas and we've sold out now" -another fangirl moment. We chatted to the girl for a bit about the upcoming concert, where she then said she doesn't know much about them, she's more into Busted, Mcfly, McBusted. Whey, another fangirl moment.
Then we made our way to Nandos, which is a tradition we created thanks to 5sos, and we met some more fans in there. One girl was so cute, as we passed her she saw our shirts and squealed excited to see other fans, and we shared a special little squealing sesh, then went and sat down for food.
After Nandos we were wandering around trying to find the Hey Violet hangout, but as neither of us had data or wifi we couldn't find them, which I'm so sad about because I was really looking forward to meetin them.
So then we went back to the hotel to get ready
We went to the hotel, flopped on the bed, charged our phones, blasted the 5sos album, got dressed, did our makeup, did our hair, drank milkshake. Then made our way to the arena via a canal walk.

After the concert, we got lost on the way back to the hotel, it was 12am and we were wandering around Birmingham lost. We bumped into a few fans who gave us directions but we still remained lost. We eventually found our way back. We sat in the hotel with pizza and drinks, literally buzzing off the the atmosphere still, then we started getting tired, our ears rang, our throats hurt, our adrenaline made us sick, so we called it a night and settled down to sleep with a little bit of All Time Low playing in the background (YESS)
In the morning we were greeted with throat soothers and milkshake and cold pizza for the journey home.

That was my weekend, it was perfect, and writing this has let me re-live it again and I want to be back! I need more concerts! -Wait!! I forgot to write about wrapped around your finger!
Okay, Wrapped around your finger is my favourite song from 5sos, the lyrics are perfect and the emotion put into the song is everything and with Michael taking the lead, and Michael being my ultimate opposite and favourite person in the world, it makes the song 100x more important. It's my comfort song, my everything song. And I said from the start that I've needed to hear it live, and when I found out I'd hear it live at the concert I cried for 15 minutes. (drastic I know) But I witnessed my favourite ever song, the song that gives me butterflies every time I hear it, I witnessed it, in the flesh, from my favourite people. And that was a moment of life I'll never forget, I spent the entire song with my hand over my mouth in shock and awe, and I sobbed like a baby. That song means so much.
And speaking of songs, they sang pizza!!!!!! And that song has only been played live like 4/5 times, so to witness that, you know you went to a good concert.
That's definitely everything said now. This is the longest post I have ever done. It's a good job I vlogged it too. You can watch that "here" Woo self promotion! I'm really into the whole YouTube thing now, I'm desperate to make another video, but I don't know what I'd do, self confidence is waaay down low haha.
Shaan x
Oooh here we go!!
The day in Birmingham
So we started by waking at half six -very easily I might add. Since when do I happily wake up at 6am? We got ready, typically ending up leaving late. We made our 1 hour trip to Birmingham listening to a playlist of only the best songs.. Chance would have it Unpredictable came on, which is one of 5sos' fetus songs in which they sing about taking on the world, as we're on the way to an arena to see four boys from Sydney it really touches your heart to know that they did take on the world.
*can we talk about my green/blue hair*
When we arrived in Birmingham me and my best friend, Chloe, had the excitement reach us.. we were in the back of the car as hyperactive as you get and making all sorts of inhumane noises. Soon realising the window was open as a man walking past outside said "what the hell was that?" Awks.
I'm waffling already. We couldn't check into the hotel until 2pm so we headed to the bullring (which is a huge shopping center, I think it's equivalent to America's 'malls') where we went straight to Forever 21, as there isn't one where we live. I made my first Forever 21 purchase which was a red bandana for the concert. (At every concert the fans like to make projects to make every concert special, for our one we wore bandanas the colour according to our favourite in the band -I'm a strong strong Mikey girl, so mine was red)
Round the bullring were lots of fans of 5sos wearing all their merch, me and my friend were squealing at every fan, I feel like we made tons of new friends but in reality we were too scared to say hi to any of them..
We went into Claire's on a hunt for another bandana for Chloe, where a staff member came up to us and asked if we were looking for a green bandana because they'd all sold out, she said "every girl with a 5sos shirt on today has taken the green bandanas and we've sold out now" -another fangirl moment. We chatted to the girl for a bit about the upcoming concert, where she then said she doesn't know much about them, she's more into Busted, Mcfly, McBusted. Whey, another fangirl moment.
Then we made our way to Nandos, which is a tradition we created thanks to 5sos, and we met some more fans in there. One girl was so cute, as we passed her she saw our shirts and squealed excited to see other fans, and we shared a special little squealing sesh, then went and sat down for food.
After Nandos we were wandering around trying to find the Hey Violet hangout, but as neither of us had data or wifi we couldn't find them, which I'm so sad about because I was really looking forward to meetin them.
We went to the hotel, flopped on the bed, charged our phones, blasted the 5sos album, got dressed, did our makeup, did our hair, drank milkshake. Then made our way to the arena via a canal walk.
Outside the hotel, Birmingham is such a beautiful place. I'd love to live here.
I wore -which is clearer in other photos
YOU COMPLETE MEss shirt: ebay
Skater skirt in black: New Look
Over knee socks with bows: Top Girl
Black converse: Probably Schuh
Choker: River Island
Bracelets: everywhere!
*we wanted to wear crazy socks because the tour is called 'rock out with your socks out' therefore socks had to be a prominent outfit feature and I think we did well*
I like this purely because I'm so happy.
Merch queue

Trying to get merch was a nightmare! We queued outside, only to be told there wasn't any programs or shirts left in my size. So we went to an inside stand, to be told they didn't have my correct size either. So I picked up a size small, a white foam hand, and a program. To then go into the arena and find that I no longer had my shirt.. I went into instant panic mode and stormed around the outside halls looking for where I could have dropped it -it was no where! I didn't have enough money to buy a new one and I cried a little bit.
Then I went back inside and almost lost my seat, Chloe offered to pay my shirt on borrowed money which cheered me up, we went back out, they no longer had any sizes available. WHAT!? So we had to wait until after the show when they'd re-stock. Eventually I got my shirt. and funnily enough I'm wearing it now, I've barely took it off..
*just before I'd lost it*
And then, the concert started.
This is where things became amazing. Hey Violet opened, and I know a lot of people don't like them (ugh) but they were so good live! Rena's bass is amaing I love it. And I've never been a big fan of Casey (not that I didn't like him, I loved him) he just wasn't my fave, but seeing them live, every time Casey came on the big screen I died inside and got all these cute little butterflies and I kept shouting "oh my God look at him! He's adorable! He's so cute!"
When they had performed and we were waiting for 5sos, there was a break and music played inbetween, they played Stacey's mom and the entire crowd just erupted into song and we all sang along. The played the 1975, which killed a few fangirls, then they played the final countdown, which was the final song before their set.. wow, the atmosphere was so tense as everyone was getting ready, it was the strangest feeling, but the best feeling, everyone there got you, they felt what you felt, and we all shared the same emotion as we waited.
When 5sos came on, I completely lost control of my body, I hate the thought of being a fangirl, because quite frankly they annoy me, but I'm the biggest fangirl out there.. Chloe recorded them coming on and she says at some point I say "OH MY GOD I JUST SH*T MY PANTS" I don't even remember saying that.. and I didn't do it.. at least I hope not.
I recorded my favourite songs but generally I just partied, hard. I didn't think about wearing an appropriate bra.. dancing around in a bra which made me look good but carried no support was kinda awkward when after the first song it was literally sitting on my belly.. Halfway through, I was screaming/cheering after a song had finished and I had the worst pain in my throat, that is the point I knew I was screwed, I had to carry on screaming or I wouldn't enjoy the show. My God, my throat the day after (and now four days on).
They sound so different live! I'm forever watching their live shows on YouTube, or listening to LIVESOS, however in the actual room, they sound so different than I thought they would! They're so Australian -oh wow the emotions are coming. I can't describe the feeling, to see your favourite people live, to spend 9 months waiting after booking the tickets, to know absolutely everything about this band, to put your everything into them.. I can't describe the feeling. When they're standing there on stage, they're real people, and that's what they really look like, that's what they're voices sound like... and they stand there, they sing there, like it's nothing. It's an incredible feeling. And coming away from the concert I see them in a completely different light, I'm no longer a fangirl, I have so much respect for them, I want to meet them in person more than ever just to tell them thank you. It's a strange feeling, it's indescribable, and I'm sure anyone else who has seen their favourite artist live will agree completely. I think everyone in the world should get to experience that. It's incredible.
*shoutout to blurry front cameras*
In the morning we were greeted with throat soothers and milkshake and cold pizza for the journey home.
*the tired morning after covered in beautiful merch*

That was my weekend, it was perfect, and writing this has let me re-live it again and I want to be back! I need more concerts! -Wait!! I forgot to write about wrapped around your finger!
Okay, Wrapped around your finger is my favourite song from 5sos, the lyrics are perfect and the emotion put into the song is everything and with Michael taking the lead, and Michael being my ultimate opposite and favourite person in the world, it makes the song 100x more important. It's my comfort song, my everything song. And I said from the start that I've needed to hear it live, and when I found out I'd hear it live at the concert I cried for 15 minutes. (drastic I know) But I witnessed my favourite ever song, the song that gives me butterflies every time I hear it, I witnessed it, in the flesh, from my favourite people. And that was a moment of life I'll never forget, I spent the entire song with my hand over my mouth in shock and awe, and I sobbed like a baby. That song means so much.
And speaking of songs, they sang pizza!!!!!! And that song has only been played live like 4/5 times, so to witness that, you know you went to a good concert.
That's definitely everything said now. This is the longest post I have ever done. It's a good job I vlogged it too. You can watch that "here" Woo self promotion! I'm really into the whole YouTube thing now, I'm desperate to make another video, but I don't know what I'd do, self confidence is waaay down low haha.
Shaan x
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