Crazy Cat Lady!?

I am sat down. I have my music on. I have my green tea (health kick). I'm writing a post. Finally.
When I said I was busy, I really did mean it, this is my first break from babysitting since the 11th. I think I've still done a post since the 11th but I don't remember exactly. I'm stressed at the minute, about grown up things, college things, weight things, child things, money things, just stressed. But I got a new 5sos shirt yesterday -I think.. it might the day before.

However, this post is about something extremely exciting, and while it comes with a lot of stress at times, I am still excited to wake up every morning. I am now a parent to two adorable (sometimes.) (well actually no, always. Because even when I hate them because they're peeing on my freshly washed washing -they still remain adorable) (oh my goodness I sound like a middle aged woman) kittens!!
Me and my spontaneity, I saw someone selling kittens (no they're not pedigree or rescue, yes they were found on facebook -this is how we roll in England) and thought heck- we should get a new cat! When we got the place we were buying them from, there were only two left and we loved them both.. so you know, we bought them both.
Growing up I have always been around a cat, my mum had two 18 month old kittens as I was born, both are gone now.. As a kid I liked cats, but I was terrified of dogs, to the point I would run as far as possible screaming at the top of my lungs if I saw one (no joke) apparently I ran straight in front of a car one time before my mum had managed to save me.
When I was around ten I decided to confront my fear by getting a dog, and then that was it -my fear was gone. And my fear of cats grew.. Suddenly I didn't want my cat near me for fear he would claw me.. I still gave him attention -just at a safe distance.
So now I'm confronting my cat fear by buying two kittens, and just like with the dogs, my fear has gone.

So that's that, this is my kittens. We wanted to call them really unusual quirky names but ended up just giving them normal names. We have a boy who is all black, his name is Mikey (on my recommendation, obviously not named after Michael Clifford. Who could possibly be so sad.. phaha... aha) and a girl, who a light black which strange markings -almost a black tabby, but she's not tabby... she has a gingery stripe down her nose, ginger on her chest, and a white triangle under her chin.
I wanted Mikey to be my favourite, however Lillie is such a character. Mikey is very shy and doesn't like human contact.. if you stroke him he'll look at you like what are you doing with your fingers, weirdo. But he will play with me and sit at my feet, he is more evil than Lillie at playtime, he bites harder and kicks like crazy. He's also like one of those YouTube cats who are famous for lifting up their back and running -they make me wee so much.. Mikey does that all the time, he practically wakes up and his back is arched. And when he's caught doing something wrong he tries to make a run for it before I catch him..
Lillie on the other hand is amazing (not that Mikey isn't I love them both equally), she's so sophisticated and such a lady she's sneaky and likes to kill flies by biting their heads off.. When she's caught being naughty she sits there and waits for me to take her out of the cupboard/off the table/away from the hamster. She has a lot of love for me, she's a mummy's girl, she's always at my feet, and right now she's sleeping on the keyboard and making it very hard to type... she likes her cuddles (occasionally), and she purrs at me a lot, whereas Mikey has only purred once in his lifetime. When we play, she lies on her back and I'll tickle her belly, then she'll scratch and gently nibble my hand, and she will lick me to death with a little nibble here and there. She can be really sneaky, when I'm tickling her belly she'll suddenly start to "fall asleep" and when I'm "least expecting it" she'll suddenly wake up and viciously attack me. See I know kittens a lot better than that. Nice try love.

Both of the kittens' favourite game seem to be 'chew Shannon's sweatpants' or better 'jump and claw and bite and eat Shannon's hair' or their most favourite ever 'walk along the gerbil's cage tunnels while he's walking through'. They are monsters. But I've never been more obsessed with anything in my life. I'm turning into a crazy cat lady. And I'm not a cat lady. I like dogs. I'm a dog person.

This is a hell of a lot of writing. Here's a hell of a lot of pictures so to go with it..
But it definitely makes up for my absence.
Mikey when we'd just got them home

Lillie making friends with Alfie

she always chews the pages when you're trying to read


Shaan x


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