I Passed My College Interview! (&Who Is 'A?')

Currently living a busy life. My mum is working a lot and I'm constantly babysitting my brother, as well as other new family members.. which a very separate post is needed. That's why I haven't posted, I'm being bombarded with responsibility and I'm trying to find a way to juggle everything and find routine. For the first time in probably, a week, I've got a small window of 'me' time. And today is an exciting day, so I'm going to ramble a bit and get a few things off my chest. (whilst crying in pain at a mouth ulcer which has oh so considerately placed itself on the centre of my tongue)

Today is my mum's birthday, though I'm not entirely sure she'd like me to announce what age she has just turned.. I remember writing a post last year about her last birthday, it's cliche to say this but it really does feel like yesterday I wrote it.. I remember it so clearly. And I wore my favourite dress.
Today was also the day of my college interview -which I had to be up at 7:30 for. *blank face*.
I got a place next year.. whether I take it or not is a decision I'm struggling to make..
I had a 'typical Shannon' moment in my interview today, the first stage was a group thing, we all had to take tests on English, Maths, and dyslexia -like I've not had enough exams this year. One of the guys in there had a coughing fit and the teacher asked if he was okay.. for a nervous Shannon to turn around and say "yeah, I'm fine thankyou" ahhhh! *burys self alive* why do I do these things!?
I was at the interview two and a half hours before I was seen. Two and a half hours of nervous waiting. It was horrible, I was a wreck! But the interview itself was perfectly fine.
 I left the collage, came home, ate, then settled down with a coffee to do a blog post on literally nothing. just rambles. 
Today is an exciting day though. Calling all Pretty Little Liars fans.. We should get to see who 'A' is tonight!!!!! But we know how this show goes.. Alison will be kidnapped -the only person who's seen A, and then A will disappear and we'll know nothing. That's my prediction tonight.. I'm not ready to know who A is, I'm happy to go on making predictions, I'm not ready for it all to end just yet. Nevertheless I'm excited as hell!
I don't want A to be Aria, Emily, Spencer, Hanna, Alison, Toby, Caleb, Ezra, Jason (heart eyes), Mike, Mona, Rhys (too obvious) or any of the mums.. I'm fine with anyone else really. If it's Toby, Caleb or Ezra I don't think I'll ever stop crying. I have a tiny tiny suspicion on Hanna, purely because in the first episode she grabbed a handful of sweets in police station -and we know A likes to take a handful of sweets everywhere he/she goes.. But it can't be any of the girls! 
An idea just clicked, what if red coat is (I've forgotten her name) Hanna's step sister.. she's proven already she can hack Hanna's phone and photoshop photos when she leaked that photo of herself... Then she disappeared from the show so no one suspects her.
There's too many people! I'm just really excited! 
I want to watch it all from the beginning again! And I will do after I finished The Vampire Diaries because that is the only thing that matters right now. I'm such a white girl.

 That's all I wanted to say, I'm going out to see a family fiend later, the one who's kids are the exact age as us, we're going to celebrate my mum's birthday, and I'm excited. Even though they tease me all the time! Just because I'm so quiet! *sighs drastically* haha. I'll post about my new family members tomorrow/soon.
I don't have a photo to post but here's an old 'un because I love the sky.

Shaan x 


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