My Top 7 Favourite Films

Well hasn't this been a monster of a week! I mean it feels long because I've done so much and it's been so so tiring, but it's actually gone so so quick and I'm exhausted. I've got a lot to say so I'll definitely make another 'life lately' post. But today I'm posting about something I've wanted to post for a while and I don't really know why. Like I talk about my music all the time, I felt like talking about my favourite films. Especially because there's two films I'm constantly constantly watching at the minute and I love rambling about things I'm obsessing over. So I've put together a list of my all time favourite films. I have a lot, I love so many genres, and it's impossible to pick favourites. But these films are ones I have continuously loved for years... Peter Pan. This has been my favourite film since I was six and it came out. I can't really say what it was that I loved so much as a child, I think it ...