
Showing posts from January, 2019

Bouncing Back

Coming out of an emotional funk is one of the hardest things to do, for me personally. I've been stuck in a downwards spiral of emotions for a few months and coming out of it has been so, so challenging for me and I don't really know why I'm writing this post because it's awfully personal to be putting out on the internet but I'm proud of myself for having a moment today where I thought 'life isn't so bad, I feel happy' and it dawned on me then just how long it had been since I'd felt like that. Of course I've been happy over the last few months, Christmas was happy, New year was, spending times with friends and family was. But I haven't felt happiness in the sense that I could step back and really appreciate my life. Because in all honesty, my life over the past few months have been shit. And the worst part is, nothing tragic has happened to make me go on this downward spiral I've been on, I just got tired of existing. Which breaks m...

Goals For 2019

My start to 2019 has been one kick in the teeth after another. I'm hoping it's just everything slotting into place and everything will soon be smooth running but my god I am tired of fighting losing battles everyday. But it's reminded me to do my 2019 goals post because I'm trying so hard to have a good year this year, get everything back on track with my life and work hard to get where I want to get. My last years resolutions were to keep up with the gym, which I did. I even had a personal training session this year which left me hobbling for over a week, I learnt to lift which I'm still terrified to do but love it. I wanted to be in a bikini by summer which I did! I wasn't where I wanted to be weight wise but I felt good enough to be in a bikini on holiday! I also wanted to take at least one driving lesson, I almost did however decided against it. Driving just isn't for me right now and that's okay. I felt the pressure of having to drive because I...

2018 - What a Year

It's finally come round to my favourite posts to write! The end of year ones, yes it may technically be a week overdue but I've been with family and only just picked my laptop up today from my student house, whoops. 2018 has been the weirdest year of my life and I so badly wish I could have said it was my favourite year because it's been so big and successful and so much good came from it. But so much bad did too, and the bad ruled way too many of the months in 2018. However looking back, and through the photos I'm about to attach to this post, it really was a great year for me, even the huge wallop of stress I've had towards the end has been such a good learning curve and a base for me to grow so much more in 2019. I'm feeling so positive about this new year. Here are my photos and things I got up to in 2018. The year started with a whole night of partying, getting home at 6:30 in the morning after what was supposed to just be a few drinks down the...