Half OOTD, Half Haul

I haven't posted in so long! I've been missing my blog all week but I've been so busy and tired from being back at college and I had nothing I could quickly whip up. I can't work out what kind of post this is, it's half a haul, half a OOTD but it's also just me talking about another day up town -it's multi purpose, to make up for all the posts I haven't been putting up all week. So, a few weeks ago on Valentine's day when I went up town, we had a quick look in Primark because Primark actually do a-mazing slogan tees I'm obsessed with every one they do. I fell in love with several as usual, but I also fell in love with a pair of sweatpants -I'm not usually a sweatpants kind of person. If I want comfort I'l stay in my pj's all day... but these ones had emojis going down the leg... and they had a hash-tag on them... it's really cheesy and quite tacky but since leaving the shop I haven't stopped thinking about them. So going b...