My Goals For 2017

I've been trying to get a post up since Christmas Eve! I've barely worked over Christmas because my brother has been off school and I've had to babysit while my mum works. So I've had a really nice relaxing week, although I can feel myself rotting away everyday I spend inside without fresh air.

As it's the very first day of January today I've decided to finally write up a post, about my resolutions for the year and a quick summery of 2016 itself.
2016 was without a doubt a tragic year, filled with ridiculous people that don't need the name mentioning, and countless losses of celebrity childhood heroes, and personal ones too. And Brexit... it was all very eventful and caused a lot of division across the world. But also taught many the importance of being united. Hopefully 2017 will be much better, and here's to hoping we don't get a word war three.

However personally, 2016 has been my happiest and favourite year to date. I overcame a lot of fears and learnt to start living my life, surrounded by amazing friends and family and adventures. Last year my resolutions were about completely starting over and reinventing myself, and I accomplished that, this years are simply to improve on what I have done so far...

1. Get Healthy, this was on last year, and every other year of my life. I did really well last year, lost  hell of a lot of weight, ate better etc. But I also only ate on average two small meals a day, I ate healthier but not nutritiously, and my goal this year is to eat proper meals, become stronger because I'm too weak, and drink more water. Or more fluids altogether.

2. Get more organised, I really need to figure out my work/life ratio, do things when they need doing, blog more, and get myself into a morning and evening routine. I bought myself the Happiness Planner, which is an absolutely, astonishingly beautiful diary/journal/planner that motivates you to do things etc. But I really have to pretend I didn't spend that much money on what essentially is a pretty notebook (obviously it is so much more but..ouch my bank account) and that's going to help my motivation and organising skills this year, I'm so so excited for it to come!

3. Pass my driving test, I really need to drive for work but I don't and it's beginning to be a problem. I can manage my hours a bit better if I can drive instead of walking. Plus I can drive to places instead of getting buses and trains.

4. Live more, I want to start doing more adventurous things, the end of 2016 was pretty good, and there's a lot planned for the first half of 2017 but I want to start crossing things off my bucket list now...

I'm sure there's more resolutions I could write out, but I can't think of any at the moment, so I'm going to leave it at this, four is a nice easy number without getting too carried. Here's to a productive 2017, happy new year.

Shaan x


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