Operation Change My Life: Being New Is Scary

So, I've been feeling the need to get things off my chest at the minute, I've got a lot on, and it's all very, very exciting stuff.
My blog seems to be mostly centred around my droning, panicky moaning about "OMG I don't know what to do with my life!!" but things are starting to come together now, I somehow seem to coming across opportunities and things that are pointing me in a direction I like, a direction I can see a career coming from.

I started "operation change my life" back in 2015 I think, in an attempt to full on improve everything about me, I was uncomfortable with everything in my life, I didn't like myself, I'd just come out of school after years of bullying and had a lot of hatred in me, I didn't like the way I looked, had no direction in life, and didn't take care of myself like I should.
I wanted to become confident enough to be the person I wanted to be.
And now, I can say that I'm well on my way there. I've had no help from anyone but myself, and encouragement from family and friends. But I'm at a place where I know my body isn't perfect but I'm in love with the progress I've made and the way I look, I feel confident in myself as a person, my shyness is still a huge, huge issue but I'm finding ways to manage it, to move past it and have made new friends by doing so. I know who I am as a person now, I know how to look after myself, and I have a direction to go down in order to get myself a career!

I still have a lot of bad days, especially since being unemployed, and that's why I wanted to get this off my chest, I want to remind myself of what I'm capable of and what I've already, so massively, achieved.
Also to motivate me to chase after these opportunities I've got ahead of me. Which is scary stuff.

And now that's off my chest, I'm making a promise to myself that next week I will get at least two blog posts up, I will do my work outs, keep my room clean, and be very productive.

Shaan x


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