An Autumnal Day Out
I haven't posted all week and I've felt bad about it every single day. I was ready to post my Currently Listening To on Monday but then I just couldn't.. I physically couldn't upload another post of just Bastille songs. But it's now because I have other songs to add into next week's.. which won't be a thing. Next week I'm on holiday. Like halle-fricken-lujah! It's been so long since I've just gotten away, and after the year I've had... I could really do with it.
I'm vlogging on my holiday! Well I'm going to try to, I feel like disaster will strike and I'll never actually do it.
I've been doing a lot of planning for it today -whether I'll get another post up about my holiday before I go I don't know. I might find something to post because I won't be posting and I haven't been posting so it's going to be very sparse on here.
Anyways, today I want to do a post on Autumn, because Britain really doesn't have a long Autumn. It turns to Winter very very quickly. So I gotta whip up as much as I can before it's too late.
I mainly left the house because I've started a new theme on Instagram and I needed some photos, which turned into a "these can go on my blog too" and then to "hey, technically this is an Autumn day out" and that, is how inspiration strikes.
It was quite literally a perfect day. I woke up and decided I wanted something a bit more special for breakfast. So I attempted some pancakes. But halved the recipe -well, some of the recipe. I forgot I was halving it so half of the ingredients were halved and the others weren't. So I was doing as much as I could to save them. We ended up with pancakes. Of the egg shape kind. But pancakes none the less.
Then I told my mum I was going out to find some Autumnal photo opportunities and as it was her day off work she came with, but took me to a park she had spotted driving home one day.
It's half a dog walking-field park, half a children's playground, and also another half football and rugby pitches. There was lots of trees and leaves which was perfect for my new insta theme, and we had a good 'ol bit a fun on the playground, I haven't wanted to play on a playground for such a long time I was genuinely worried that I'd lost my childish fun-ness in me. Kind of like the girl from Inside Out when her fun island falls.
This has become a heavy written post very quickly. Here are some photos:

Shaan x
I'm vlogging on my holiday! Well I'm going to try to, I feel like disaster will strike and I'll never actually do it.
I've been doing a lot of planning for it today -whether I'll get another post up about my holiday before I go I don't know. I might find something to post because I won't be posting and I haven't been posting so it's going to be very sparse on here.
Anyways, today I want to do a post on Autumn, because Britain really doesn't have a long Autumn. It turns to Winter very very quickly. So I gotta whip up as much as I can before it's too late.
I mainly left the house because I've started a new theme on Instagram and I needed some photos, which turned into a "these can go on my blog too" and then to "hey, technically this is an Autumn day out" and that, is how inspiration strikes.
It was quite literally a perfect day. I woke up and decided I wanted something a bit more special for breakfast. So I attempted some pancakes. But halved the recipe -well, some of the recipe. I forgot I was halving it so half of the ingredients were halved and the others weren't. So I was doing as much as I could to save them. We ended up with pancakes. Of the egg shape kind. But pancakes none the less.
Then I told my mum I was going out to find some Autumnal photo opportunities and as it was her day off work she came with, but took me to a park she had spotted driving home one day.
It's half a dog walking-field park, half a children's playground, and also another half football and rugby pitches. There was lots of trees and leaves which was perfect for my new insta theme, and we had a good 'ol bit a fun on the playground, I haven't wanted to play on a playground for such a long time I was genuinely worried that I'd lost my childish fun-ness in me. Kind of like the girl from Inside Out when her fun island falls.
This has become a heavy written post very quickly. Here are some photos:
Before the pretty Autumn photos, here is those pancakes that just didn't work out.

...And the ones that were good enough.
And a helter skelter taken longways..
It may not seem it, but my feet are off of the floor, I made it ti the third bar before falling. Can you believe it took me 'till I was fifteen before I could actually do the monkey bars? Can we pretend my thighs are half that size? I've been stuck in the house a lot lately..
Cough. The past four months.
I've spoke about a turtle swing in a post before. This is a turtle swing. (Well, a bit of one). Future me who reads this back will probably have forgotten what a turtle swing is. I could spend hours on these as a child, but thirty seconds on this the other day and I thought I was going to throw up everywhere..
Okay, the pretty photos:
I'm wearing scruffy 'work out/walking clothes', this could have been a pretty photo otherwise.
Oh how I wish I was wearing a dark red nail polish in this photo..
Shaan x
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